Oil Pulling for a Healthier You


Article by Nicola Carroll

Oil Pulling for a Healthier You

Oil Pulling for a Healthier You

If you have ever had anything leave you with a bad taste in your mouth, then try Oil pulling.

An Ancient Ayurvedic medicine practice that will decrease bacteria and remove toxins for improved oral hygiene and overall better health and wellbeing.

It is suggested to use Sesame seed oil, coconut oil or olive oil, although any oil can be used.

Oil pulling is best done on an empty stomach first thing in the morning before coffee. The suggestion is 1 table spoon of oil. I use half this or, you can work your way up to the tablespoon. Swish the oil by pulling and pushing it through the teeth for anywhere from 10 up to 20 minutes daily is the recommendation. It will start to become waterier as you go. Be very mindful not to swallow this as it is full of bacteria. When finished spit it out into the waste basket not in your sink or down the toilet. This will clog up your drains. I once had to get a new dishwasher because I put spoons or other utensils, I used with coconut oil in the dishwasher and it got clogged up…so don’t do that. Simply rinse your mouth or take your toothbrush for a quick rinse.

The bacteria on and around the teeth, and on the tongue, and the roof, and sides of your mouth sticks to the oil and thus carries away the toxins that are attached to the bacteria. This process is helpful in drawing bacteria down from the throat and also up from the throat for a deeper cleanse into the body.

The benefits of using coconut oil are:

  1. Improved gum health/ protects the gums

  2. Whiter teeth- if done regularly

  3. Prevents tooth decay/ cavities

  4. Cures bad breath, Halitosis

  5. Decrease allergy symptoms

  6. Cure’s earache or infections

  7. Improves tooth sensitivity

  8. Improves gut health via cleaner mouth

  9. Improves overall immunity

  10. Cleans teeth

The feeling you get when you oil pull is very clean teeth. It feels like there is space between each tooth and silky smooth. It can be a little tough on the cheek muscles but if you maintain a good rhythm you will work up to a good cleaning in 10 minutes. I have thoroughly enjoyed oil pulling and continue to oil pull often, perhaps its time to get into a daily practice.

I like the idea to cleanse your mouth after an argument. Oil pulling - This gentle form of detoxification will improve your overall health when done regularly. I know someone who had a crown come off and there was a bad odor from the bacteria and halitosis was so bad that no amount of mouth wash was taking the odor away. They had remembered what I told them about the oil pulling and tried it and right away the odor was gone!

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