Moving inward is the only way through...
This simple yet powerful self-empowerment guide will help you embody the power that is within you: the tools and techniques that you have the energy to activate. We are our own gurus! The answers are nestled in your soul. Deep down, when the whole world is silenced, your soul knows exactly what it needs to heal itself.
Step 1. Quiet Reflection
Start by centering yourself. Sit in silence or put on some soft music. Take five deep, cleansing breaths. Place one hand on your heart, one hand on your belly. Feel the life force within you and that is you. Now begin to imagine your most authentic self. The person you are when there are no distractions and the real, genuine you is shining. No judgments, no masks, just you in your purest self; the most real and beautiful aspects of you. Every breath in, breathe in the love you deserve and on every breath out, let go of expectations of yourself.
Step 2. Affirmations (journal and pen needed)
Repeat Step 1 in order to center yourself and begin writing down the traits that you want to embody. The aspects of your highest self in present form as if you already embody them. The you that you most want to be. Write down five affirmations/statements and say each of them aloud to give them power and weight. For example:
"I am deserving of everything I desire."
"I express myself freely."
"I am loved and I give love."
"I harness the power to create my life."
"I am confident."
They can be as simple or as complex as you would like them to be. Try writing down the traits that first come to mind. Let the words flow.
Step 3. Grounding
When we feel disconnected from our bodies and our souls, we are disconnected from nature. We are nature. Each one of us is a group of cells vibrating at a certain frequency. Grounding in nature (dirt, sand, water) recharges our cells and replenishes our energy. If you have a bath, take a nice 30 minute bath with epsom salt and 10 drops of lavender oil. Breathe in the flow of the water and breathe out your stress. If you are near grass/dirt or sand, dig your toes into the Earth and feel Her energy recharging your cells. Imagine roots from the soles of your feet anchoring down into the core of the Earth. Breathe out the stress from your body and breathe into Mother Earth’s energy.
Step 4. Inner Child
Imagine yourself as a young child. What do you look like? What are you wearing? What do you enjoy doing? What comes up when you think of this beautiful child? Now imagine your present self-loving, embracing, and hugging this child. Reminding that child that they are beautiful just as they are. She is strong, she is protected, she is SO loved. She deserves to be seen and heard. Listen to what she desires; does she want to dance? Does she want to paint? Allow your inner child to shine. Tap into your inner child each day and ask her what she wants.
Step 5. Mirror Work
We have the power to create our own reality. Affirmations can set the tone for our day, each day. Take your affirmations from Exercise 2 and center yourself in front of a mirror. Say aloud in the mirror one or two of your affirmations. The power of your voice amplifies the positive energy. It may feel uncomfortable, silly, or awkward the first few times. However, your soul deserves this type of attention, love, and positivity that you give to others. Allow any feelings to rise and be released. Be gentle with yourself and your journey of self awakening.
Take your time in cultivating these practices. Take a day for each practice or take a month. Self care is not a one size fits all; the ones that resonate are the ones that will stay.