These five simple exercises create a profound effect on the body’s aging process to look and feel years younger.
The body has seven main energy centers referred to as vortexes or chakras, which are very powerful electrical fields. Each of these vortex’s centers on one of the seven ductless glands in the body’s Endocrine system to stimulate the glands hormonal output.
1. Reproductive glands- Root Chakra
2. Pancreas-Sacral Chakra
3. Adrenal glands- Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Thymus-Heart- Chakra
5. Thyroid- Throat Chakra
6. Pineal gland- Third Eye Chakra
7. Pituitary gland- Crown Chakra
These energy vortexes revolve at great speed. When all are revolving a high speed, and at the same rate of speed, the body is in perfect health. When one or more of them begin to slow down, the flow of vital life force energy is inhibited or blocked, and thus aging and physical deterioration set in.
Exercise 1.
This initiates the speeding up of the vortexes (Chakras).
Standing straight up with arms out softly at shoulder height. It is important to spin left to right in a clockwise direction going with the rotation of the earth. Whirl around slowly until you get a little dizzy. Aim to build up to 21x.
Exercise 2.
Continuing to stimulate the vortexes number 2 is simple. Lie flat on a yoga mat or carpet face up with your fingers close together and palms face down beside your hips, inhale your chin to your chest and keeping the legs straight lift the legs to 90 degrees or all the way over so your toes touch the floor above your head. Exhale lower the legs and head down. Relax fully between each one breathing in a deep rhythmic pattern. Repeat this aiming to build up to 21x.