5 Simple Exercises for Youth and Vitality


Article by Nicola Carroll

5 Simple Exercises for Youth and Vitality

These five simple exercises create a profound effect on the body’s aging process to look and feel years younger.

 The body has seven main energy centers referred to as vortexes or chakras, which are very powerful electrical fields. Each of these vortex’s centers on one of the seven ductless glands in the body’s Endocrine system to stimulate the glands hormonal output.

1.    Reproductive glands- Root Chakra

2.    Pancreas-Sacral Chakra

3.    Adrenal glands- Solar Plexus Chakra

4.    Thymus-Heart- Chakra

5.    Thyroid- Throat Chakra

6.    Pineal gland- Third Eye Chakra

7.    Pituitary gland- Crown Chakra

These energy vortexes revolve at great speed. When all are revolving a high speed, and at the same rate of speed, the body is in perfect health. When one or more of them begin to slow down, the flow of vital life force energy is inhibited or blocked, and thus aging and physical deterioration set in.

Exercise 1.

This initiates the speeding up of the vortexes (Chakras).

Standing straight up with arms out softly at shoulder height. It is important to spin left to right in a clockwise direction going with the rotation of the earth. Whirl around slowly until you get a little dizzy. Aim to build up to 21x.

Exercise 2.

Continuing to stimulate the vortexes number 2 is simple. Lie flat on a yoga mat or carpet face up with your fingers close together and palms face down beside your hips, inhale your chin to your chest and keeping the legs straight lift the legs to 90 degrees or all the way over so your toes touch the floor above your head. Exhale lower the legs and head down. Relax fully between each one breathing in a deep rhythmic pattern.  Repeat this aiming to build up to 21x.


Exercise 3.

Done immediately after number 2, for the third exercise kneel down (on a rolled-up yoga mat to protect your knees) on the floor with the body tall your hands down beside your thighs. Start by tucking the chin to chest then inhale the head back as far as they will go and at the same time lean backward arching your spin. Brace your arms and hands onto your thighs for stability. Exhaling deeply return tucking your chin to your chest in an upright kneel. Repeat again with a rhythmic breathing pattern relaxing fully in between building up to 21x.

Exercise 4.

Sit down on your mat with your legs straight out and feet about 12 inches apart fingers close together palms face down beside your hips and your chest is to the horizon. Tuck your chin to your chest, Inhale the head back as far as it will go and at the same time squeeze your bottom up so the knees are bent but arms are straight like reverse table top and then tense every muscle in your body. Finally relax your muscles as you return your original seated position and rest before completing the next one as you build up to 21x.

Breathing in as you raise up and hold your breathe as you tense the muscle then exhale completely as you come back down and continue to breath in this rhythm and rest in between each one.

Exercise 5.

Lay face down on the floor palm face down hands and feet straight and two feet apart with the toes flexed. Inhale press into your hands, straighten your arms and reach the head back as you arch your back like in upward dog on the toe’s, legs are off the floor. (Or working toward that). Then exhale, tuck your chin to your chest and drive your hips back like and inverted ‘v’ keeping your heels off the floor like downward facing dog. Inhale, lower down to staring position relax fully and repeat building up to 21x.

Dedicating the time to perform this as a daily ritual become easier and enjoyable as you get stronger and more flexible and you will gain a greater sense of wellbeing and an increase in vitality that is remarkable.

If you truly desire to grow old gracefully consider this daily ritual practiced by the Ancient Tibetan Monks for years to bring renewed youth and vitality.

In 2019 I started this daily regiment; it is quite a journey of increase energy and freedom from restrictions in my body mind and spirit. The increase in Vitality is unbelievable. I started running 5k 3-5x per week at age 54 and My eyesight was getting poor and I needed to purchase 1+ magnifying glasses to be able to read the print on labels and ever since starting these exercises I have not needed the glasses and I can see better as soon as I take my contacts out. I feel the best I have ever felt.

I wonder what benefits you may experience? The only way to know if it works is to try it for yourself.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
