Unwavering presence is cultivated by acknowledging shadow as a sacred protector that awakens when our emotions threaten to devastate us, rather than by fighting against our shadow with sheer willpower. So, to empower ourselves to tread in the discomfort that brings forth our highest evolution, we must befriend shadow, learn to notice when he starts steering the ship, and begin to renegotiate our existing relationship with him.
Plant medicines can support us in navigating this portal and teach us to become our own healers and conscious creators of our story.
In my holistic healing practice, working with the herbs below has bestowed greater understanding of underlying patterns, fuller embodiment of experiences, and some relief from the heartache.
Devils Club: This is one of the most highly revered sacred plants of the Pacific Northewest coastal tribes. It grows in the depths of the forest in the most dark, stagnant, and moist spots. It also heals stagnant water in the body, particularly when presenting as high levels of sugar in the blood. Devil’s Club is incredibly powerful for protection from dark and dense energies making this herb of Scorpio highly specific for guiding one through the Underworld Journey and assisting to “club your devils.” A relative of ginseng, it also acts strongly on the adrenal glands, warming the body and building up the vital reserve. Adrenal support offers the inner strength required to face intense feelings that arise in this healing work.
Reishi: Its Chinese name translating as “spirit plant,” Reishi is prized for safeguarding our shen or spirit, which resides in the heart, by grounding overactive energy in the mind. Disturbed shen manifests as palpitations, insomnia, and brain fog. Sitting in the liminal space between vitality and calm, nervous system tonic, nourishes the shen so profoundly that we gain the courage and awareness to interact with the wider Spirit—the Great Cosmic Mother. Earthy Reishi’s correlation with the Hermit tarot card smooths the solitude of the Underworld as the brilliance of our spirit illuminates the path.
Elder: Celts considered Elder a sacred tree, symbolic of birth and death. This Underworld herb’s Latin name, Sambucus, originates from the panflutes made from the easily hollowed stem, associated with Pan, lord of the Underworld. Norse goddess “Elder Mother” was believed to be gatekeeper between this world and the Underworld, much like Elder’s planetary ruler, Saturn, an intermediary between the seen and unseen realms.
Elder connects us with Saturn return and the distillation of insight accumulated from life experiences, compensating for our lack of wisdom-keepers. By embodying the guidance of an elder, this herb initiates us into relationship with our inner wisdom voice. Best known as an antiviral, Elder’s tonic properties restore and strengthen the core immune system and build blood—our life force guardian. These actions nurture a stable inner essence, preventing emotions of anxiety and fear from taking over and increasing self-esteem.
Ghost Pipe: This ghost-like being is recognized as a guardian of the Underworld. Ghost Pipe emerges from the dark forest floor, reminding us that death and rebirth are one in the same. Historically, Ghost Pipe was used as a pain remedy that allowed one to “put the pain beside them” where it could be observed and ultimately transcended. Using the essence of ghost pipe helps one detach from their fears to see from an objective perspective where they are over-attached or haunted by a past ready to be released.