5 Tips to Overcome Self-Sabotaging Patterns and Quantum Leap into Your Best Life


Article by Samantha Sierra


5 Tips to Overcome Self-Sabotaging Patterns and Quantum Leap into Your Best Life

Ready to let go of self-sabotaging patterns causing stagnation in the areas of your life that matter most? Trade them in to begin to make your dreams jealous of your waking reality!

In order to create the quantum leap (noun: a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something) in the areas of life you are seeking; repeat out loud: “I set the intention to quantum leap into my best life now”…and so it is!

Within this incantation (noun: a series of words said as a magic spell or charm) you have made a commitment to yourself – to embody the fullest version of your BEST LIFE now and forever more! Intentions are new ways of being, after all.

Here are my 4 tips to get your best life flowin’ now!

1. Get to the Root of It All

Reinvigorate your energetic essence with a 5D New Earth Conscious Life Design rooted in the deep nourishment of your authentic needs & life desires.

Begin this practice by asking yourself; “what is one action I can take right now to meet a need that will bring peace within me?”

When your mind, body, heart and soul feel soothed, you have reached the root in your subconscious programming. From there, take a moment for an impromptu Spring-Cleaning!

Why, you may be asking? Physical action is needed to support the energy shift that has taken place within. Rearranging or reorganizing your sacred environment, reinforces & supports your continued commitment to the full embodiment of your best life!

This is a neat Energy-Jedi-Mind trick I’ve intuitively practice since being a child. As an adult, I discovered it is based on “As within, So without” alchemy in combination with the work of Dr. David Snyder human influence technologies.

2. Clutter Clean Out

When you take the time to shift your external environment - like reorganizing and cleaning out that junk drawer or cluttered closet - you start to see how much "stuff" you've collected that no longer resonates with the version of you living your best life.

Take a moment and ask yourself “do I have a simple system to keep my sacred space clean and clutter-free?”

This is a prime opportunity to bring awareness to how long you’ve been expending energy without a system, which items need to go and most importantly, you’ll gain insight on how much simpler life will be without the excess clutter causing unnecessary external chaos & stress.

When you are reviewing systems to keep your sacred space clutter free, set this powerful incantation “everything needs a place, or it will be released from my space”- and so it is!

Cultivating a soothing sacred space begins by letting go of material items that no longer resonate with you. Give Thanks and Gratitude for their presence while gently saying goodbye.

Set the intention for all items to be repurposed and/or donated.  Which leads to…


3. Recognize and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Give that which you’d like to receive in life! Creatively cultivate a Conscious Life Design that is also deeply nourishing to 5D New Earth.

Keep things simple with, the oldie but goodie, 4 R's of Recycling! Reduce, reuse, recycle and renew with every opportunity that arises. 

Already a pro with the 4 R’s? Take it up a notch by incorporating the habit to consciously vote with your dollar. Every time you spend money, you are casting a vote for the type of world you want to live in. Choose to support your local businesses + larger businesses that are ethically sustainable with the incorporated mindset of “people over profit.”

Focus on small shifts for the win with daily micro-movements in recognizing how to respond vs. autopilot react when making simple daily life choices.  

Which leads to the final intention to help you quantum leap into your best life!

4. Focus Your Vital Energy Flow

Where your focus goes, your energy flows!

Is it currently in alignment & vibrantly working for you? As my man, Nikola Tesla famously said, “if you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibration.”

Your energy is your most valuable resource. It is “the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.”

Your frequency is the natural level of your hearts electromagnetic pulse and emotional rhythm that you resonate at. It is “the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample.”

Your vibration is your energetic essence and signature that allows for others to feel and sense what you are all about. It is “a person’s emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the association of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.”

Focus your vital energy flow into harmonizing this quantum technology by consciously choosing foods, activities, people and places that fuel you vs. stressing you out to draining depletion.

Programmed subconscious beliefs and behaviors are what has created the current reality you are living. Drop self- sabotaging patters causing stagnation in the areas of your life that matter most in living your best life:

  • engaging in reciprocal relationships (with self, others, and New Earth)

  • a satisfying career aligned to your souls’ purpose

  • feel good physical body activity with high vibe whole fresh food support

  • fulfilling and nurturing spiritual practices

May these tips encourage you to experience this multidimensional abundant support system. Dare to quantum leap into nourishing your authentic needs and life desires now and forever more! You are worth it!


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
