Breathwork is a form of sound healing with a harmonic resonance that pumps new energy throughout the body.
It is likely that your shadows are hidden in one of your dormant chakras. Once you begin to activate the sealed chakra, the shadow will slowly diffuse itself.
Chakras are vortexes.
These vortexes are portals the lead to new territories within the light body. Neglected chakras create stagnant energy within our auric field, which aggravate the psyche and the mind. This is why you feel triggered by things that often should be no big deal.
Like humans, shadows want to know you care. When we constantly push the shadow under the rug— so to speak, by suppressing the uncomfortable feelings with unhealthy attachments and habits, like drinking, yelling, or playing passive aggressive (just to name a few), this only fuels the shadow, giving it more power.
Pretty soon, that neglected shadow is going to be a crying baby! Don’t let it get to that point.
By simply asking your shadow what it needs or why it feels the way it does, you open yourself up to better understanding deeper parts of yourself, which in turn, will shift how you handle certain triggers when they show up in the future.
Like any muscle or good relationship, we have to nurture and strength the bond with the shadow over time. Simple questions go a long way when trying to confront a shadow.
Every situation in our life is an opportunity for growth. The whole point of the soul’s path is to expand.
Expansion is the key to the next level in your ascension. That’s why people who never face their shadows can’t get to the next level in their soul’s growth, because they are too afraid to face their shadows.
Learning how to identify and pinpoint the lesson of the shadow, can take some time. It’s not always obvious when the trigger shows up what the lesson is.
Meditation is a great tool for sitting with the uncomfortable feelings and unraveling it’s sacred message. Getting quiet makes the lesson loud and clear.
In closing, shadow work is part of the spiritual journey and it requires your undivided attention and unconditional love.
Facing your shadows is a form of self love, and if you really love yourself, you’ll take the time to soothe your shadow.
No one can make you angry; you are in control of you.
No one’s perspective should throw your whole world upside down; you have the choice to challenge your current beliefs (and views), and see them through a new lens.
Information is knowledge. And knowledge offers wisdom. Don’t become overly attached to your beliefs, give them the chance to expand too!
Remaining open is the key to the activation of dormant chakras and to the expansion of your consciousness.
If something scares you, buy a book on that subject and learn about it. Often shadows show up as an opportunity to learn something new!
You just might find that what you feared wasn’t really all that scary. You just needed to integrate the lesson, so you could transcend the feeling.
Want to learn more about shadow work to aid in your ascension? Register for a Free Masterclass on How to Repair the Holes in Your Aura.