When did the idea of creating Ready Gypset Go as your primary means of living come?
It was with our road trips that that blog came to mind and was born, and it all happened to come together through my creative ideas as I grew as an artist. I knew I wanted to chase my passions, and do what I loved for a living. The blog took some different aspects from those things and became what it is now- a creative space for other to find inspiration, and a place for me to pour out my creativity in fashion, travel, photography, writing, film, and the Gypset lifestyle.
Do you two have a plan of your travel destinations and length of stay, or are the places you go more spontaneous?
It’s a little bit of each. We’ve learned the balance that’s required for this type of lifestyle. You have to have enough of a plan to get you through, but be open minded and let the road take you where it pleases. Sometimes we let go and find out that not planning is even better. Sometimes we want the comfort of knowing what to expect.
Do you two plan on ultimately settling down in one destination one day? Where would that be?
After living the “tiny” life, I know I will never ever settle down like most people do. After tasting this freedom, we don’t want to be weighed by things like a house, bills, ordinary jobs, or get stuck in one place. I’ve learned that there is so much to be had when you let go of a lot of the things you think you “need”. We only need the necessities, and then we can have so much more room for experiences and freedom.
Your brand and lifestyle incorporates many different aspects and forms of expression, do you each take the reigns on certain parts or is it all a joint effort?
We definitely do almost everything together. We are attached at the hip. I do a lot of the creative conceptualizing. I’m a go-getter and very straight forward with my dreams and passions, and self-expression is like breathing to me. So I think I take the reigns when it comes to the creative aspect of everything. Josh is the guy who knows how to do everything, or if he doesn’t, he learns. He keeps our vintage trailer rolling, builds all the renovations I design, built and coded the blog from scratch & runs the back end, and he shoots 90% of the photography and video when I’m modeling. I am a photographer primarily, so it really in a team effort when shooting. I'm mostly DOP (director of photography) as much as I am the subject. I do all the photo and video editing, too. I learned my videography skills from him, though!