Article by Angel Quintana
Photo by Carley Page Summers & Flea Market Fab
Here are the 4 CRITICAL things you can do if you want your business to stand out online (even if you think the market is saturated) that will help you define your niche,increase sales, and attract your ideal customers:
Secret 1
Determine the Urgent Problem You Solve
The first thing to consider is what Urgent Problem do you know how to solve. Whether you are a graphic designer or sell skincare, your ideal customer is on Google searching for a solution to their problem right now-- but do you know what they're searching for? Embody their pain and figure out in their own language what is keep them up at night and then go Google those words and see what articles pop-up. You'll discover what's trending when it comes to written articles, secret: take notes. The articles that show up on the first page of Google search have "Google Juice" and it's for a reason. That reason is called SEO and it has every indication of what urgent problem you solve.
Secret 2
Defining Gateway vs Root
Once you know what your ideal customer is Googling, it's time to make a list of these "gateway problems". A root problem is a generic problem such as:
• Insomnia
• Weight Loss
• Acne
• Heartbreak
In other words, a gateway problem is the problem your ideal customer "thinks they have". Let me break it down: If someone cannot sleep at night; they are tossing and turning, yet exhausted, the thing they are Googling is, "How to get a better nights sleep." But you and I both know that the real problem goes much deeper than just their inability to sleep. The real problem could be stress at work, loss of a loved one, suppressed emotions, or sugar addiction. It’s imperative you know what their “gateway problem” is so you can get them in the door (ie: your website) with SEO (search engine optimization) and then show them that the real problem lies in the "root problem" or in other words, the holistic solution that lays the problem to rest for good-- no pun intended. Wink.
Secret 3
Create a Niche & Own It
Finding a niche is neither here nor there. How you really find your niche is to create one. The way to create a niche is to understand the root problem you solve. For example, here at Holistic Fashionista we work with holistic leaders who are making a positive difference in the world. We understand the problem they need solved (how to use the internet to increase sales), so our niche is internet marketing, yet our niche market are holistic leaders of tomorrow. Creating a niche is actually fairly simple if you truly understand the problem you solve. Once you know this, you can get very strategic in your marketing efforts and in the development of new products/programs.
Secret 4
Develop Stellar Products/Programs
Now that you know what urgent problem you solve, the gateway problem to bring them to your website, created a niche, and know your holistic solution (or your root problem), you’re now ready to put together your products/programs to enhance the life of your ideal customer. Putting together your products/programs can be tricky, because you’ve got a lot of skills, expertise, and qualifications— it can be tough determining how to cohesively communicate and organize your skill set into a product that solves the problem. When developing stellar products/programs for your ideal customer keep in mind:
• What is their gateway problem
• What is your holistic system to getting the problem solved
• What steps will you take them through to assure the problem doesn't return
• How will you deliver your product/program so it's easy to access
• How will you package your product/program to maximize revenue
• What is your marketing system to bringing it to market
The bottom line is to forget about your competition and start focusing on what makes you different-- that's how your product will stand out too. Get your audience to trust you by delivering them rich content each week that gives solutions to the "gateway problem", but always encourage them to take the next step to solve their problem for good by purchasing your stellar product or program where the "root problem" is solved.
Whatever you decide to sell, take your time with the development process— it’s paramount to your success. If you sell something people don't want or you don't know how to speak to their pain, there will be someone else who can--so always do your research first and you're sure to get the sale.