One of the first terms I learned on my spiritual journey was a Latin one: “Imago Dei.” I would swirl it around on my tongue, pondering what it truly meant to be created in the “image of God,” as the Protestant theology intoned. I was enthralled with this idea of derivative divinity. This was the magic I channeled when I set paint to canvas or pen to paper. Before me, the blank page was nothing - after me, beauty. Ex nihilo.
Eve was my favorite part of the entire bible: the myth was scarce, but my imagination filled in the story. Eve was a naked Rebel, running wild through Paradise, ready to write her own rules for her life.
The defiant lioness inside me was waking up.
I wondered how many abundant summers Eve had stood beneath the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, lust tracing its heavy, hot fingers over her body. How many days did Eve sustain this delicious temptation before caving, aching and trembling in delighted trepidation at the thought of tasting that forbidden fruit?
I imagined the thick ruby red juice swirling on her tongue, silky and rich, activating a spiritual awakening her frame could barely handle. The floodgates of the Kundalini open, Source energy pulsing through every chakra, her Third Eye opening WIDE to the Mystery while electrifying orgasm engulfed her whole being. The most delicious kind of knowledge - felt, actual experience coupled with deep spiritual insight - was now hers.
What did Eve discover in this forbidden communion?
Perhaps she discovered her innate Divinity. She tasted the “imago Dei,” and in the bliss, she perceived Creation not as matter but as spirit, and realized her innate agency as an incarnate being.
How can the mythical Rebel be so relevant today? What makes a bare-bones story from an old, nomadic text so compelling?
The Rebel is an ancient storytelling narrative: a human tale as old as time. This archetype has been with us for countless centuries, and will continue to be for many more. The Rebel archetype reflects our deep human need to exert mastery: to become self-determined directors of our own destiny and co-creators of our reality. The mythical Rebel belongs to all people, across time and cultures, and the significance of her work in transmuting ideas to change provides an inexhaustible wellspring of meaning for us to draw from.
Fundamentally, the Rebel desires mastery: to meet risk with daring. She doesn’t wait for her desires to be handed to her by some other figure of authority - she knows that she is responsible for her own knowledge, understanding, and pleasure. She uses what she’s learned to manifest serious change in the world on her terms.
When we deny our inner Rebel the autonomy to manifest her desires, we allow the specters of self-doubt and self-censorship to continue directing our precious life. We agree to stay on the other side of the garden because the powers that be said so, away from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. A spiritual trembling begins inside us. A THIRST to test the limits of our ability. To experience life. In absence of this permission, we crave the experience of becoming fully self-realized MASTERS of our Rebel nature. Inside us, she screams, “JUST TASTE THE DAMN FRUIT ALREADY!!”
If we dig deeper, we’ll see even more layers of meaning to this archetype active within Eve that fully explains her desire for that juicy fruit. Eve enacts her own style of renegade justice, reclaiming her birthright to a self-determined life from the hands of an authoritarian god. The Rebel Brand Archetype isn’t only about resisting the powers that be. Fundamentally, the Rebel’s mission is a total reclamation of the self while inspiring others to do the same. Whether from outside oppression or inner tyranny, the Rebel brand gives us the strength to look our demons in the face, act with boldness, and befriend the darkness to serve our purposes - just as Eve did.
Can you feel these archetypal identities are MORE than ideological concepts?
Brand is more than the way you look online, your Instagram feed, or the content you create. Building brand is about cultivating a narrative larger than any one aspect of your identity: inviting your audience to become a part of the story you are writing through your work. It’s about bringing all these aspects of meaning into one cohesive ecosystem.
Brand Archetype is the very cornerstone of the sacred science of brand magnetism. When you intentionally cultivate a Brand Archetype, you will attract the EXACT clients meant to experience your work.
These archetypal identities are so powerful because they express the four fundamental human motivators in incredibly resonant ways. Your Ideal Client’s primary human motivator is your way finder and ally in selecting a Brand Archetype.
- If your Ideal Client desires to change the world for better in their own way, they are motivated by mastery.
- If your Ideal Client desires to nurture community and create connections, they are motivated by belonging.
- If your Ideal Client desires to cultivate paradise, discover truth, and see the world, they are motivated by individuality.
- If your Ideal Client desires to create structure, meaning, they are motivated by stability.
The Jade approach to building brand centers upon activating these ancient storytelling lineages. Building brand is a sacred science, a practice that, if we are willing to taste the forbidden fruit, will bring us into alchemical partnership with our own inner Rebel as we make our own meaning in the world.
Taste freely, my love – the whole world is your Eden.