Article by Marlo Wright
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #18
What are good business practices? Most people haven't even considered HOW to build their business. They go down to the city office, file their paperwork, and open their doors.
Here are some things to consider about building a better business:
Who are you building it for? - Yes, who's the target market? Is this something they'd like to have? How will they know about you? - Marketing your business through the proper chanels is key. What does it look like? - Branding your business needs to be consistent, from colors to font you choose. Where is the best location for your business? Even if it's on line, at some point it's good to get out an network. Where is the market you want? When is a good time - a perpetual question because you'll have so many ideas to implement. There'll always be a first things first!
The great part of business, you're never done asking these questions. Life is a movement, a symphony of steps. It most reminds me of Fox trot. I've been taking lessons, and one of the things the instructor told us, "when you misstep, take a pause, do a twirl, or sway side to side." No one will know it wasn't intended... except you.