Why Your Business Needs a Code of Ethics Angel Quintana April 11, 2018 WHY YOUR BUSINESS NEEDSA CODE OF ETHICSArticle by Angel Quintana Why Your Business Needs a Code of Ethics It's sorta a taboo subject, but it needn't be anymore... If you've been in business long enough, you've already had the exhilarating experience of crappy clients. It happens even to the best of us! But not to worry!There is a SIMPLE (yet effective) strategy that will wipe them out in their tracks! So grab a notebook + pen!It's called a Code of Ethics. For the longest time I thought just putting "No A-hole" policy in my terms and conditions would be enough to ward off the wrong people, but unfortunately, this wasn't the case -- who reads that anyway, right?If you're ready to start attracting your Kismet Clients, listen up because this is a game changer for your business! What is a Code of Ethics?A code of ethics is a written set of guidelines issued by a business to attract the right clients/customers that will match the vibration of the products and services you are offering.Why you need one? To filter out the clients that will not serve you and your business. The Problem it Solves:It sets the standards and boundaries you create with your clients AND holds them accountable! Business is a two-way street!When/Where to Place Your Code of Ethics:I'd recommend putting your Code of Ethics right there on the homepage of your website. This is the first page new visitors see and says a ton about you + your brand. If they don't resonate with what it says, they'll most likely leave (see ya!!) and the ones who do will already be intrigued to learn more!It's also great to have a Code of Ethics on any memberships you offer. This maintains the integrity of the "community" they are joining and let's them know "their" behavior matters. And if they break the code of ethics, they may be removed from the community without renewal or notice!What a Code of Ethics Looks Like:I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MYSELFI ASK FOR SUPPORT IF/WHEN I NEED ITI AM OPEN TO RECEIVE THE BLESSING OF YOUR REFLECTIONI LISTEN TO YOU AND KEEP YOUR SHARING CONFIDENTIALI ENCOURAGE MYSELF AND OTHERS TO SHINEI COMMIT TO SPEAKING HONESTLYI CELEBRATE MY UNIQUE GIFTSI RESPECT OTHERS INSIDE THE GROUPI HONOR THE VIBRATION OF THE COMMUNITYI WILL SUPPORT AND TREAT OTHERS WITH INTEGRITYMy wish is for you to attract the right clients that will better serve you and your business! Have fun writing your Code of Ethics -- I recommend having at least 7 mantras in yours. Make each one count! ANGEL QUINTANA IS AN AUTHOR, METAPHYSICAL TEACHER, BUSINESS MENTOR, AND APOTHECARY WHO IS KNOWN FOR HER THOUGHT-PROVOKING LECTURES THAT EMPOWER THE HOLISTIC LEADER OF TOMORROW. HER HOLISTIC APPROACH TO INTERNET MARKETING IS PERSONALIZING THE WAY WE LOOK AT MONEY GENERATING ACTIVITIES; WHILE WITH HER FORWARD-THINKING CONCEPTS, SIGNATURE SYSTEM® AND KISMET CLIENT®, INSPIRE OTHERS TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES, EMBODY THEIR GIFTS, AND CREATE NOTEWORTHY PRODUCTS THAT SOLVE PROBLEMS FROM THEIR ROOT IN ORDER TO BUILD SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL WEALTH. LEARN MORE ABOUT ANGEL AND HER WORK BY SUBSCRIBING TO HOLISTIC FASHIONISTA MAGAZINE. IF THIS ARTICLE//VLOG HELPED YOU, WE’D ♡ TO HEAR FROM YOU! FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM OR FACEBOOK!