5 Morning Rituals to Incorporate Into Your Day Angel Quintana April 13, 2018 5 MORNING RITUALS TOINCORPORATE INTO YOUR DAYArticle by Angel Quintana 5 Morning Rituals to Incorporate Into Your Day I wanted to share some awesome Morning Rituals with you because the moment you wake up sets the vibration to your manifesting superpowers; it's just tooooo important NOT to have a intentional space for you to create first thing in the morning!A morning ritual will help you stay focused, set intentional, and invite the opportunities and people (clients!) who need to know you!Morning Ritual Tips△ AFFIRMATIONSAffirmations are a simple way to reprogram your subconscious mind AND set the vibration to manifesting everything YOU WANT! Words are SPELLS! Whether say a few affirmations while walking the dog or while the little ones are still asleep, make affirmations a part of your "first thing in the morning" ritual. Love affirmations? >>> Check out my latest 21-day Mindful Materialization course!△ JOURNALINGThis could fall under Affirmations, but it allows you to play more and write more. Use your Imagination! Write or even draw the vision you want to create or the energy you want to get rid of! You can do this before you set your affirmations in order to really release before we re-program. So bust out that gorgeous new notebook and put your intentions on the paper!△ STRETCHIt's so easy for us to forget how to stop and smell the roses, to feel! to be! to embrace! Allow yourself to let go and love your body. By allowing our body to stretch we are communicating with our body, nurturing and making room for new energy to come in. Not just that, but it's incredibly grounding! We need that if we are trying to get shit done! I get up several times a day from my desk to just stretch out my legs and feel the prana!△ TEA TIMEWhy not worship your body and practice Self Love by providing nature's most precious herbs to revitalize our being and our cells! I personally love the tea bags that come with affirmations. Just make the whole experience more positive and inspiring. Go even as far as to purchase cute mugs that have fun sayings on them to remind you how friggin awesome you are!!△ READ A BOOK What a great time to catch up on what feeds your mind and soul! Whether it is a business book, or self-help book, nourish your beautiful mind with inspiration with a great book first thing in the morning to guide you towards the highest vibration and inspire you on your mission to success. I bet you'll come up with a new FB live that will tantalize your tribe and get them to SIGN-UP to your list!! :)Have fun with this! Wishing you a GORGEOUS DAY! ANGEL QUINTANA IS AN AUTHOR, METAPHYSICAL TEACHER, BUSINESS MENTOR, AND APOTHECARY WHO IS KNOWN FOR HER THOUGHT-PROVOKING LECTURES THAT EMPOWER THE HOLISTIC LEADER OF TOMORROW. HER HOLISTIC APPROACH TO INTERNET MARKETING IS PERSONALIZING THE WAY WE LOOK AT MONEY GENERATING ACTIVITIES; WHILE WITH HER FORWARD-THINKING CONCEPTS, SIGNATURE SYSTEM®AND KISMET CLIENT®, INSPIRE OTHERS TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES, EMBODY THEIR GIFTS, AND CREATE NOTEWORTHY PRODUCTS THAT SOLVE PROBLEMS FROM THEIR ROOT IN ORDER TO BUILD SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL WEALTH. LEARN MORE ABOUT ANGEL AT WWW.ANGELQUINTANA.COM