Understanding how sacred my womb and yoni are having been the catalyst for me to heal at the level I could not reach without this wisdom. I lost my virginity at 12 to rape, I was then raped multiple times after that, but stopped calling it that as it became normal to concede if the guy fought me and many did. This led to heavy drinking, drugs, and eventual love/sex addiction and an incredibly abusive relationship with my older children’s father that almost ended my life.
The side effect of so much trauma and abuse became pain. Today, after years of suffering, I feel as if I have finally been liberated. Part of me wishes I had tapped into this power prior to birthing 4 children, starting at the age of 17; prior to developing numerous gynecological conditions such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and a prolapsed bladder; prior to a long infertility journey, all a result of this stored and unprocessed trauma. Had I known how much wisdom, beauty, and healing existed between my legs and between my root and sacral chakra maybe I would not have almost died giving birth to my children. Maybe, I would not have had to suffer through so much mental, emotional, and physical pain. Maybe, I would not have been plagued with shame for over half of my life. Yet, I would not be the woman I am today, nor could I, or would I, be writing such a vulnerable, yet important article. Real wisdom is derived from real experience. But, it can also be derived from those who have gone before us, who have suffered before us, who can impart the wisdom and spare us the pain. My life’s mission is to use my insight, gained from painful experience, as well as wondrous enlightenment from my ancestors, to enlighten other women to their own womb wisdom.
Now, before you write this off as “coo-coo”, let’s check the facts boo!
Here is why your womb is the ultimate bad ass:
• The womb is the strongest muscle in the body by weight.
Yep, you read that right. The uterus has multiple layers of muscle tissue that run in every direction, spiral together, and are ultra-strong. A laboring uterus exerts incredible pressure to push a baby out into the world, and is the strongest force exerted by any muscle in the body.
• Our Blood Heals!
While we all know about the power of the umbilical cord in stem cell research and healing, did you know that menstrual blood is also rich in these stem cells which are found to be adaptive within the body to heal a wide variety of diseases? The stem cells in menstrual blood are being researched to treat a wide variety of conditions from stroke, heart disease, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's, diabetes, wounds, neurodegenerative diseases and more. Women’s menstrual blood has the most abundant free source of stem cells available to humankind.
• The Womb is Orgasmic
If nothing else has grabbed your attention maybe this will! When women have an orgasm, they experience pleasurable and euphoric sensations by waves of contracting muscles throughout the uterus, as well as the vagina and pelvic floor.
• Your Womb connects you to the Universe
Our menstrual cycles and stages of life are intrinsically linked to the cycles of the Earth, Moon and Sun. The moon cycle is 29.5 days, and the average woman's menstrual cycle is 29.5 days There are also 13 moon cycles in a calendar year, and the average age of menarche (a girl's first menstruation) is age 13. The average age of menopause is 52, which is also the number of weeks in a year. There is an average of 4 weeks to a women's menstrual cycle and 4 seasons in a year. Women's ancient menstrual calendars consisting of notches carved into bone or stone are said to be some of the earliest forms of calendars known.
• The Universe exists with your Womb
Our wombs are not just to grow babies. They can do so much more. They are the source of our creativity. We can tune into the creative potential of the Universe. It is from this place we can birth our dreams into reality. The womb is a women's unique connection to a primal source of creativity and can be used for not just procreation, but conscious co-creation with nature and spirit to live a life she loves.
So, how do you start to tap into the ancient wisdom waiting for you, inside of you? You develop a Womb practice. This does not mean you must sit with a crystal up your vagina, lathered in some expensive honey, although don’t be surprised if you end up here. But until then let’s start with a simple yet easy exercise:
Pick a time when you can be alone for at least 15 minutes, put on some relaxing music, light a candle and lay down on your back. Place your heels together allowing your legs to fall to the side. This opens your psoas, also known as the muscle of the soul. Some relaxed psoas invites in creative expression. Cultivating some healthy psoas can rekindle your body’s vital energies by learning to reconnect with the life force of the universe. Once you are comfortable, which may take some time as opening the psoas can cause emotional release - do not be alarmed if you start to cry – you are ready to proceed. Place your hands over your womb. Imagine your body being surrounded with a beautiful golden light, visualize that light flowing through your hands and into your sacred space. Once you can feel the energy circulating, imagine a beautiful flower of your choice. My four-year-old calls my womb a Lotus, so this is the flower I choose. Begin to breathe in deeply, if you are familiar with breath-work take belly breaths, if not, just breathe in a rhythm that feels comfortable. Imagine that flower closing as you breathe in and opening as you breathe out, the divine golden light still naturally running through your meridians and chakra system.
After you have completed this exercise grab a journal and write down whatever comes up, NO MATTER WHAT. This journal will be yours, and yours alone, so please don’t hold back. It is here you may unlock the answers you seek!