The Secret To Healing Chronic Symptoms For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People


Article by Lorna Stell

The Secret To Healing Chronic Symptoms For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

The Secret To Healing Chronic Symptoms For Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

You read that right—healing—not just managing chronic symptoms. Even though you may never hear it in a doctor’s office, healing is possible. But most empaths and Highly Sensitive People (HSP) are missing the key ingredient. Here’s why:

You’re listening to all the experts you can find and relying on crowdsourcing for guidance.

Make no mistake, experts are experts for a reason. But there is a major issue with ONLY listening to the opinions of Instagram influencers, doctors, holistic practitioners—not to mention crowdsourcing for opinions in Facebook groups. None of these people, even the most educated, are inside your body or know what feels right for you. There are billions of humans on the planet. Is it really possible that they all function in exactly the same way?

Your whole existence becomes about fixing yourself.

Here’s the truth: While, yes, you are struggling with symptoms and may even feel miserable and have no idea what to do next, this doesn’t mean you are a problem to be fixed. It can easily feel like you need to spend every waking moment trying to find answers for your condition. However, approaching your healing with this mindset is the surest way to delay the physical freedom you really want. Why? Because you’re draining your energy in constant analysis paralysis, viewing each option and opinion available to you as life or death. When all your energy is devoted to thinking and constant problem solving, you’re telling your body, “It’s not safe to rest and heal right now.” You’re telling your body to be switched on, ready to fight at each moment.

You’re resenting your body.

If you have chronic symptoms, your body is sending you messages through those symptoms at every moment. This presents you with a choice: you can continue resenting your body, saying that you hate it and it doesn’t work right, or you can meet your body with compassion, curiosity, and love. Your body has already done this for you; it loves you unconditionally. Have you considered that it constantly pulls out all the stops each day, keeping you alive without you even knowing all the intricacies?

The Power of Intuition

What are empaths and HSPs missing when they fall into these ways of thinking? Intuition. So why does it matter so much? Does intuition really make a difference?

Let’s first address what it means to be an empath and HSP and what intuition really is. An empath is someone who can easily sponge up the energies and emotions of people they interact with, even if they aren’t around them in person. HSPs in particular are wired to have highly sensitive nervous systems, meaning the experience of all external and internal stimuli are heightened for them.

As an empath or HSP, you likely also have a heightened connection with your intuition and may not even know it. Your intuition, also known as your Inner Being, Inner Voice, Higher Self, is your instant connection to divine guidance specifically for you.

Your intuition is not just limited to “gut feelings.” Conversing with your intuition is a fast and simple way to receive clear, actionable guidance for your life. In the case of chronic illness, seeking out opinions and advice from everyone but your intuition and body can be detrimental. Your body, emotions, thoughts, memories, soul, and even the energies of everyone around you, are deeply intertwined and create what you see reflected in your physical health.

Get in a comfortable position to meditate, relaxing every muscle. Focus on your slow-moving breath. Set the intention that you are open to receiving intuitive guidance, and whatever you hear will be the exact right thing for you at that moment.

No one outside of you can give you as clear a picture of what’s happening in your body as your intuition can. It’s wonderful to see what healing resources exist out in the world. However, the essential step many empaths and HSPs miss, after consulting an expert, is checking with their intuition to see if it’s the right fit for them, and then trusting what they hear.

Experiment with asking both yes/no or open ended questions, like, “Is this supplement right for me?” or, “What do I most need to know for my health today?”

Your intuition can not only provide guidance to meet your material and physical needs, but the simple act of conversing with it can actually begin to heal you from the inside out. The belief that you’re running out of time to “fix” yourself is based in a limited, and not completely truthful, point of view that humanity often finds itself in. On the other hand, your intuition is a clear channel of divine truth for you, available to access at any time.

When you find yourself unsure of what to do next, pause trying to problem solve and instead take a walk, do some yoga, or anything else that allows you to reconnect with your body without needing to think. Breathing into this process, you’ll find your intuition rushes in to provide inspiration and guidance when your mind takes a rest.

When you seek out intuition, it will show you a clear picture of what is actually true about you and your current situation from an unconditionally loving perspective. This is a great way to lay an emotional foundation of peace which your body can heal from, once your nervous system is soothed from the fight, flight, or freeze response.

As humans, we’re wired for deep connection. Empaths and HSPs are wired for even deeper feelings. This means not just connecting and feeling in relation to others, but ultimately with themselves. Your relationship with you is the most accessible and can be one of the most rewarding connections of your life. The gatekeeper to experiencing the truth of who you are, ultimately leading to the healing of your body, is your intuition. Use it well and enjoy the adventure!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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