The world is changing and that's because the collective mind is shifting and raising its vibration. It's very important that we tune into our own energy to see how we can support this cosmic shift.
Consciousness is your awareness to your divinity. This means, the more conscious (self aware) you are, the greater your influence towards creating the New Earth will be. Just imagine if we were all really doing "our part" (by being more conscious) how incredible this planet would be!
It's also important to know that we have more power as a collective, but that starts with us doing our individual part.
Here are 3 great reasons you should shift your consciousness:
Don't have something that you really, really want? Shifting your consciousness is actually the only way to get it. You cannot materialize something "new" into your existence with the same level of consciousness that currently doesn't have it. Being more consciousness doesn't have to be spending hours meditation either. You only need to become more mindful in your life.
Things are simple as being more intentional with the food and drinks your decide to consume will shift your consciousness that's because like you, eating foods that have vibrations like fruits and vegetables will automatically begin changing your mood. Just be sure you hold space for yourself as you begin a period of detoxifying from your old patterns, like the way you used to eat. Shifting consciousness is a process and it comes with its own little deaths.
Doing your part actually has little to do with wearing a mask and everything to do with becoming more self-aware. When you become conscious of your actions, the food you consume, the words you speak, the conversations you entertainment, your environment, etc... you create energy for the planet.
While the collective conscious mind is busy arguing and pointing fingers, the collective unconscious mind is giving form to those commands. This is very dangerous if you misuse your energy. If you really want to help create the New Earth the best thing you can do is be more mindful in everything you do, say, and consume. It seems simple, that's because it is. And yet, most people are too unconscious to change their ways. Don't be one of these people.
Many people still believe that God/Goddess is outside of us, but that's only one version of a debatable story. Imagine for a moment that your consciousness is God/Goddess. Imagine that your self awareness is the key to unlocking everything you've ever could dream up and yes, even helping to create the New Earth.
Now what if something as simple as shifting your consciousness brought you into a God/Goddess like form? What would you do if you were God/Goddess? Your consciousness begins with your imagination, which is where the God/Goddess within is waiting for your command.
In closing, there are zillions of reasons to shift your consciousness; I've only listed 3 to get your juices flowing. But as you can see, there is really no better place to start on a spiritual path that to first begin with your consciousness. This is also how we strengthen the collective unconscious which is ultimately how the New Earth is being created.
Consciousness has a frequency and measuring your frequency is as easy as taken a look at your life.
Do you have everything you desire?
Do you have optimal health?
Are you inspired daily?
Are you motivated?
Do you show others respect and to yourself?
Do you engage in low vibrational or high vibrational activities?
Take inventory. The man/woman in the mirror is waiting for your command. Make sure that command is congruent with what your heart desires; it is then you will know your consciousness is shifting.
I'd like to show you how to Master the Art of Manifesting in the 5th Dimension in my free video training available here.
In closing, know that you are a miracle in a body. Your soul is an effervescent light waiting to reunite with the divine. Once you have met with divinity, it's an opportunity to strength the relationship by surrendering to your need to control any circumstance in your life.
But, you can still practice the art of manifesting until you master the language and all that really means is that your soul has learned to dance with the divine.
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