The story of Apollo and the High Priestess of the Apollo Temple offers an ancient look into the power of prophecy and the courage of Pythia (the Oracle of Delphi), where the divine feminine was recognized for her channeled wisdom -- a time in history where the feminine was suppressed.
We can learn from Pythia and Apollo what it truly means to be a healer of our own conscious and subconscious minds through the arts, writing, and medicine. Let's take a ride into history to uncover the mystery behind becoming self-realized divine feminine leaders during this incredible time in history.
Pythia and Apollo helped shift universal consciousness and it's our job to pay it forward.
Becoming a Creative Oracle is 3-part workshop, you’ll learn how art, beauty, and healing medicine are integral pieces to your becoming a creative oracle. As a creative oracle, you’ll receive your own divine wisdom, channel your own prophecies, and intuitive guidance to help you solve even the most puzzling problems in your life.
Get ready to take a voyage into the ancient Greek city-state of Delphi where the high priestess of the Temple of Apollo, Pythia will become an inspiring archetype to embody in your own life. It is here you will unlock the mysteries of your mind, how to tap into a dreamlike trance to reprogram your subconscious mind, and of course, to become your own creative oracle.
In this workshop you’ll learn:
The story of Apollo and his incredible healing and magickal gifts
How the Oracle of Delphi challenged ancient society to ask a woman for her sacred wisdom
How to reprogram your subconscious mind by understanding and inner standing the workings of the brain and its brainwave state
The beauty and lightcodes accessible through the creation of your own art, medicine-making, and writing to materialize your channelled wisdom downloaded from the divine
And so much more!
This is a truly unique workshop available inside the Ceremonial Alchemy Library.