Beware Of The Messages You Send Yourself
Your thoughts aren’t always the absolute truth – your perception of reality is just that, a perception!
How many times have you thought to yourself “It would be so nice to talk to someone about what I’m going through, my thoughts, my feelings”.
And then that little voice creeps in telling you things like “You should be able to handle this on your own” or “Nobody is going to be able to understand me” or “I can’t spend money on this”.
And you crawl back into your hole, keep putting on a mask, keep pretending like everything is fine.
But you know that it’s not! It’s not fine!
And you deserve to have someone listen to you.
You deserve to have someone validate your thoughts and feelings.
You deserve to have someone guide you to find the answers.
Ask for help and the Universe will find a way to deliver.
Embrace Your Authenticity
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Every time you find yourself in the sea of self-criticism and self-judgment, is a good time to remind yourself that you are exactly what and where your soul chose to be in this life time.