Article by Debbie Moore Johnston
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers
Magazine: Issue #27
We are all so busy these days. Our To Do List seems to be overflowing: home, work, family, life and everything in between. When will we get a 36-hour day? I’d probably fill that up too.
It’s exhausting and stressful; At least it is in my world. I suspect that many of you are also in the middle of a juggling act. With all of the stress going on, it can be challenging to take a step back and just BREATHE. RELAX. BE ALONE.
Well, these 3 APPS have become my IPHONE favorites to help me step back and Breathe---even if for only a moment.
1| Happify: Even the name makes me feel good. “Elevate your happiness and feel good about yourself.” It’s been featured in the NY Times, and made’s Top 10 to train your brain.
2| Stop, Breathe, Think: This one gets used a lot on my phone. Even if you don’t like to meditate, I think this one will get you going. You can Check-In with yourself daily, track your progress and create a little more peace in your life.
3| Joel Osteen: Even if you’re not the religious kinda gal, I think that you’ll appreciate his messages. Love the Daily Inspirational Messages and Motivation. Keeps me inspired to Thrive, not just Survive.
I hope that you find these as useful as I have. It’s great to have them right on your phone when you have those — 911 moments to keep the CALM!