Article by John Scardina
Photo Credit: Nancy Schoenmakers
Magazine: Issue #27
Some businesses have and some have not. That event when you realize that owning your own business is not working out. That moment when failure is the only foreseeable outcome, at least in your own mind that impending feeling of helplessness and doom that consumes you. This consumption can be devastating to your mind and body.
Definition of FAILURE: Source Merriam-Webster
1 :: a: omission of occurrence or performance; specifically: a failing to perform a duty or expected action <failure to pay the rent on time>
b: (1): a state of inability to perform a normal function <kidney failure> — compare heart failure (2): an abrupt cessation of normal functioning <a power failure>
c: a fracturing or giving way under stress <structural failure>
2 :: a: lack of success
b: a failing in business: bankruptcy
3 :: a: a falling short: deficiency <a crop failure>
b: deterioration, decay
4 :: a: one that has failed
Enough of the doom and gloom portion of this. These events sometimes unavoidable can be controlled and overcome with the right mindset rather than being consumed by the fear of failure. These moments are teaching moments and you already have experience and knowledge of what was not working. Now is the time to take this event and manifest it into an entrepreneurial dream and reality. Failure is that teaching moment that helps you better prepare a business plan and continue with well calculated decisions for your successful future.