Rituals to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind


Article by Michelle Elizabeth Slote

Rituals to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Rituals to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Everyday rituals are a must when you are in the process of reprogramming your subconscious mind. There is an art to the creation of potent, daily rituals that attract your desires, and reprogram your subconscious mind. Plus, you'll learn the 1 thing that I missed that created a stressful environment as I was consciously manifesting. (You really don't want to make this mistake)

1 :: Visualize your Vision

To begin, you will want to get clear on your vision for your life. You can do this when you utilize the element of Air to tap into your visionary self... and a little bit of imagination! Your visionary self is the part of you that knows no limits. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

How to tap into your visionary self:

Visualize yourself on a tall cliff by an ocean, the wind feels wild as it dances through your hair and across your face. With the wind, comes infinite possibilities which hold the infinite visions you could have for your life.

Imagine these infinite possibilities are laid out in front of you, waiting for you to select the one meant for you.

Now, some of these visions are wild and push the boundaries of what you believe are possible. Some may feel comfortable... a little too comfortable... maybe you are meant for more? Other visions may feel constricting and limiting. Which will you choose? Select your vision using your intuition and surrender the rest of the visions to the wind.

2 :: Create the Vision

Now that you've selected your vision, it is now time to begin the integration of your everyday rituals to support your ascension.

What does this mean? It means you must have that deep-seeded devotion to the creation of that vision in every moment of your life. But first, you must release what is holding you back. Here's how.

Take inventory of the thoughts, words, actions and beliefs that have created the reality in which you are in. Keep a record of them for 3-5 days in a notebook.

At the end of your chosen tracking time, decide which thoughts, words, actions and beliefs feel constricted and not in service of your selected vision.

Release those thoughts, words, actions, beliefs that you tracked in your notebook via ritual. Write down the thoughts, words, beliefs, actions, and feelings that do not serve you, grab a lighter or some matches and burn that paper. Release it to the fire (safely, of course).

3 :: Devotion

It is now time to decide how you are going to create your selected vision through your everyday rituals. Meditate on the questions below and write your answers in a journal.

  • What thoughts would I rather think and how can I remind myself to think them?

  • What words would I rather speak and how can I remind myself to say them?

  • What actions would I rather take and how can I remind myself to take them?

  • What beliefs would I rather hold and how can I remind myself to align with them?

  • What inner knowing would I rather embody and how can I remind myself to embody it?


As you consciously create your daily rituals in accordance to your answers above, your subconscious mind will begin to reprogram itself to be in alignment with your selected vision.

This process will result in a new way of Being which can be scary to the ego at first, but will soon become second nature.

Remember, when creating elevated change within yourself, it takes some conscious re-alignment and inner devotion, so please move forward with self compassion during your integration.

4 :: Invite Your Higher Self In

In full honesty, I completely forgot to invite my Higher Self into the party when I first began this process to reprogram my subconscious mind. This made it feel like hard work to manifest anything. You must invite that infinite spirit within to flow through you during this process.

Start your day by inviting your Higher Self to think, speak, act, believe and know through your human being.

The key here is to remind yourself to invite your Higher Self in, throughout the day. This can be done in simple conscious ways at first - such as notes around the house, imbuing a candle with your sacred intention, and setting reminders on your phone. Doing this creates conscious shifts in alignment with your Higher Self and the Divine, which will become a subconscious way of Being over time.

Example: If you light a candle every morning, do so with your new way of Being at the forefront of your mind. If you set the intention to focus upon gratitude in order to shift your subconscious mind into a state of optimism, you would light your candle, hold the feeling of gratitude in your heart, and every time you see that candle throughout the day, it symbolizes your intention of gratitude, thus reminding you to check in.

5 :: Surrender and then Surrender Again

Remind yourself throughout this process. You are not broken if you feel like this process is not working at first. It takes time for your subconscious mind to get on board.

Your conscious efforts to realign your way of Being with your selected vision WILL become subconscious habits that serve the creation of your desires. This how human beings and human minds were created to work.

The real work is reprogramming the suggestion that "it might not happen" for you – or you are somehow "doing it wrong". These thoughts riddle your mind with self sabotage, however, they will begin to dissolve as you surrender to the process. Remember to invite your Higher Self to lead the way as you integrate your new way of Being through your devotion to your daily rituals and habits.

In conclusion, think about, what do your everyday rituals look like? How can they support you to reprogram your subconscious mind?

Devote fully to your new way of Being, remember to trust yourself and I promise, magick will unfold for you.

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