The 7 Laws of Manifestation


The 7 Laws of Manifestation

The 7 Laws of Manifestation

We wrapped an 8-part free course on Creating the New Earth... and it's time to do it again!

Only this time, we will be talking about my next favorite topic: Manifesting!

The 7 Laws of Manifestation is in accordance with your Soul's Path. This means that not everything you "try" to manifest will come to fruition.


Because not everything you desire is part of your soul's journey. This is because your EGO does not rule the soul's journey; your SOUL does.

We will be building off the principles I discussed in my 8-part course on Creating the New Earth -- so if you haven't tuned in, perhaps this weekend is the perfect time to catch up!

What you’ll learn in this 7-part course:

  • What your aura has to do with the art of manifesting

  • How to understand WHY you want something *before* you desire it

  • The missing key to manifesting that most people don't do, which is why they don't get

  • What your frequency has to do with manifesting and what vibrational alignment really means

  • What "ceremonial alchemy" is and how it complements the Law of Attraction

  • How 5th dimensional consciousness provides instant manifestations!

  • The power of gnosis and how to achieve it

  • and so much more!

Are you ready to learn the 7 Law of Manifestation?

If so, click here to register for this free course!


Let's get magickal!

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s brilliance by reprogramming their subconscious mind and repairing the holes in their aura. She is certified as holistic health practitioner and nutritional consultant for over a decade and has cured her own ailments (including a 20+ year battle with psoriasis), through the power of what she refers to as frequency medicine.

Angel Quintana is also known as an astrologer (over two decades), 5D Activist, Mystical Teacher, and a Soul's Brilliance Guide. Her contributions in the spiritual arts, innovations in astrology + holistic healing, along with facilitating conscious-driven collaborative projects has placed her as a sought after teacher on international platforms, especially related to the Occult and Spirituality, New Earth Leadership, 5th Dimensional Living, and Frequency Medicine.

Learn more about Angel and her workHolistic Fashionista Spiritual Network!
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