Maintaining harmony in a relationship begins with the ability to self-regulate and learn to attune to your partner's needs. Self-regulation and attunement are learnable skills. In this context, self-regulation refers to the ability to understand and manage your behavior, specifically your reactions to feelings and things happening around you. First, you must learn to track yourself, by tuning in to what is happening inside the body? Can you recognize the subtleties of the body? Such as its sensations, the particular qualities, emotional content, thoughts, and assumptions that may be present? The term track is similar to what one would call the witness or observer part of self in meditation.
Once you begin to notice your internal patterns, you can learn to attune to what your partner might be experiencing. Attunement is the ability to imagine yourself in your partners' shoes, by sensing their emotional pulses, such as their emotional needs and overall mood. It is a genuine effort to understand and empathize with their inner emotional experience. Strengthening these allows for more emotional connection and maturity in the relationship. Recognizing the need for a time-out and following through could be the difference between disconnection and connection. This tool is both beneficial and a proactive measure.
Protocol for taking a time out:
1. Request a time out (be vulnerable). Disengage. Remove yourself from the situation.
2. State when you will return (A minimum of 15-30 minutes. *The nervous system needs this amount of time for metabolizing cortisol + adrenaline out of the body).
3. DO NOT think about the situation (this only keeps the nervous system hijacked).
4. Do something soothing (listen/play music, walk in nature, practice yoga, meditation, time with pets, read a book, journal).
5. Reconnect. This act of returning to repair is essential. It reestablishes safety, trust, and connection. Ask for more time, if needed. (Multiple time-outs are okay).
The art of practicing a time-out is simple yet has a profound impact on relationships. Not only is the overall health and harmony of relationships impacted by regularly practicing time-outs, but the benefits are many. They allow couples to step out of the dysfunctional patterns and defenses that keep them at odds with each other. They create space and time to learn how to regulate emotions enough to reconnect with your partner in a way where repair and healing can occur. They teach mindfulness. They can change perspective. They encourage emotional connection. Practicing the act of time-outs allows for vulnerability to arise, a softening if you wish that is key in building a foundation of trust and harmony in intimate relationships.