I often talk to women who wish that they had more time for themselves. They are exhausted from the pressures of building a business, being in relationship and raising a family.
They want less burnout and more beauty and bliss.
I know the feeling because I spent many years feeling too exhausted to take good care of myself. Self-care felt like one more thing on an endless to-do list. In fact, every time I thought about self-care I felt guilty because I knew I wasn’t doing “enough.”
Many of us have been trained out of our femininity from childhood and have been taught to be more like men to succeed in the world of work. It is important for women to be strong and independent but by staying connected to our feminine nature, we can step into our power without losing our hearts and succeed in the world without burning out.
3 Ideas for More Bliss and Less Burnout
Honoring Your Space:
Healthy boundaries are the foundation of a happy life. Are you setting boundaries that protect your time and space, money and energy, or are you letting yourself be drained by toxic people or situations?
Setting boundaries is one of those things that only we can do for ourselves. Be unapologetic about honoring your space.
Making pleasure a priority:
Is pleasure a priority in your life, or is it an optional extra that gets tacked on at the end of the day, if there is time? As women, we require pleasure and beauty to feel good and to be at our best. Be intentional about receiving pleasure. Don’t wait for someone else to provide pleasure for you or hope that you will receive enough pleasure by accident. Turn your deepest pleasure into your daily practice and make it a priority to enjoy receiving pleasure every day.
Listening to your intuition:
Are you doing self-care the way you see other women doing it, or are you listening within to your own unique needs?
Don’t just do the same things other women are doing for self-care or just keep doing the same things you have always done and assume that it will still work. Every woman is unique and we have unique needs at different times in our lives as well.
Your intuition is your inner teacher. Listen to her and she will guide you towards more beauty and bliss and your most fulfilling.