Chakra Cleansing: 7 Affirmations for Better Wellbeing


Article by Lisa Caffey

Chakra Cleansing: 7 Affirmations for Better Wellbeing

Chakra Cleansing: 7 Affirmations for Better Wellbeing

In today’s modern & fast paced world, it is no wonder why we are often stressed, overwhelmed, unmotivated & the list goes on. With so many outside sources of stress, our energies can accumulate these negative tensions & cause an imbalance in the Spiritual & physical body. These specific energies are called Chakras.

If you’re new to Chakras, then welcome to the world of balance & energy. The word “Chakra” actually translates to “spinning discs” & can be described as a gently spinning wheel of energy when in balance. Originating in India around 1500 BC, the Chakras are commonly worked with in Eastern Cultures. Although, Western Culture has definitely picked up on these energy systems & for good reason. There are seven spinning discs of energy along the body starting at the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each one influences various emotions, characteristics, organs & elements in the body.

With incredible impact on our wellbeing, it is important to cleanse these energy systems so you can release blockages & encourage balance & alignment in your every day life. Using affirmations is one of the simplest ways to support long term balance in the Chakras. Here is a pocket guide on the Chakras, the exact affirmations you should be using & how to use them.

Root: safety, our ability to ground & our connection to the world around us
Sacral: our creativity, pleasures & sexual energy
Solar: confidence & will power for action
Heart: love & compassion for self & others
Throat: to freely express yourself, feeling heard, authenticity
Third eye: intuition & trust
Crown: connection to Source or a Higher Power, wisdom

You can see that each of these characteristics is extremely important for so many reasons. For one, it encompasses every major human emotion that allows us to be emotionally fulfilled. When a Chakra is out of balance, it can cause us to feel stagnant in our lives, especially in certain areas that the Chakra resonates with. This can keep us from our true potential.

So, having affirmations to cleanse your energetic body will ensure balance & harmony. Affirmations are specifically great when working with the Chakras because the results are powerful. The brain does not know the difference between a lie & a truth, so feeding your brain a positive affirmation engrains it into the subconscious mind where it encodes into your new thought pattern. It does require some time- it can take up to six weeks for you to develop this new belief, however, at just three minutes per day to dissolve an old belief into a new empowering belief, it’s the easiest tool to incorporate into your daily routine.

These are the affirmations you need to cleanse & heal your Chakras.

Root: “With every breath I take, I release doubt, anxiety & fear. I feel safe to be here.”

Sacral: “I embrace my creativity, abundance & pleasures in life.”

Solar: “I confidently choose health, healing & happiness.”

Heart: “I am a source of love in this world. I allow love to fill me up & guide me in all my actions.”

Throat: “I feel safe expressing myself authentically. I feel heard & allow others to be heard.”

Third Eye: “I honor & follow my intuition with ease. It’s easy for me to trust myself.”

Crown: “I am limitless because I am divinely guided.”

These seven affirmations should put you at ease within minutes. If “I am” statements feel “too out of reach” then consider putting “I am in the process of…” before the affirmation. This will get you more comfortable with your new mindset shift until you are confident in the I am statement.

It’s important to dedicate a few minutes of your time, perhaps in the morning upon rising when your subconscious is most active due to brain waves during sleep, to apply your affirmation.

Affirmations are not hard to use, but there is a way to best achieve maximum results. It takes a matter of minutes & can create epic outcomes. Here it goes:

  1. Decide which Chakra affirmation you are focusing on

  2. (Optional yet highly recommended) stand in front of a mirror & meet your gaze

  3. Take a few deep nourishing breaths, focusing on centering yourself in the present moment

  4. Put your hand on whichever Chakra you are working with & breathe deeply in. (hands are said to be an extension of the Heart Chakra, so incorporating loving energy during this time is powerful)

  5. With eye contact, begin to repeat the affirmation as many times as you’d like but optimally for three minutes, feel free to incorporate different variations of the affirmation your working with

  6. Take another deep nourishing breathe & trust the process

  7. Do a little jig because you just did some powerful work- be proud!

You’ll feel the difference between mindlessly repeating the affirmation and when you take the time for yourself to really apply the work. Putting your full attention and intention into this practice is incredibly rewarding & will create a lot of shifts in your life. Be patient & trust in the process.

All in all, the Chakras are very important facets that hold a lot of charge over your well-being.

When one of these energetics is out of balance, it can manifest into the body as physical or emotional disease, so it’s necessary to cleanse & balance your Chakras. One of the easiest yet profound ways to cleanse & restore balance among your body & mind is using affirmations. When used accurately, it can produce epic results. Incorporating every step provided above will ensure you are utilizing this work to its full advantage.

Whether it’s the root, heart or crown Chakra you are working with, the work is up to you. So, remember to take time for yourself each day to prioritize your well-being. It is so important & your soul will thank you.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
