Article by Kaira Boston
Philosophy of People
Magazine: Issue #18
Are you in this place often or perhaps right now?
“I have so many ideas not sure where to start so I am not going to start anything!”
“I know what I am supposed to be doing but I am still not doing it?”
Is this sense of overwhelm stopping you dead in your tracks? Yes, you might be running your day to day business enough to get by but there is an uneasy feeling that things can’t continue this way.
Procrastination has come to pay you a visit in the form of overwhelm. Beat procrastination with these 5 steps.
1) Get Present – Question your current state of mind. Are you worrying about the past or future? Take a deep breath. Review today’s date and stay there and focus on the current minute.
2) Get Stuff Out of Your Head - Do you really have so many ideas that are clouding your next step? Yes, add the ideas to your idea journal. An idea journal is a safe place to store new ideas so they don’t swirl around your head taking up the space needed to stay present.
Jot down any other stuff (like all the things you are supposed to be doing) that may be clogging up the head so you have a blank canvas and can create your own plan.
3) Get a couple small wins – Complete a quick and easy daily activity that has been neglected during this state of overwhelm. Focusing only on that activity and nothing else. Celebrate your accomplishment and then repeat.
4) Get a plan – Write out the activities you are going to accomplish and when. Be sure these tasks are specific so you don’t spend more valuable time trying to remember what exactly the activity entails and therefore start your procrastination up again before you could fully break the cycle. Schedule these tasks on your calendar.
5) Get Accountable – Don’t let the plan you just spent creating collect dust, use and notate the completion of the task. Celebrate those completions with a pat on the back and keep moving through the plan. For bonus accountability, share this plan with a trusted connection and ask to be held accountable and let them know what that looks like for you.
Kick procrastination to the curb and let your overwhelm be turned into an action packed plan complete with accountability.