Article by Anna Kumar
Philosophy of People
Magazine: Issue #18
So many people want to work form home these days, but why? What is the motivation? What do YOU want to accomplish and can having your own business and working from home help you get there faster?
Here are just five benefits joining with my company can provide. Don’t be fooled though, you have to put in the effort! While this is still work, it does allow for the following:
1. Spend more time with family
When I first got involved with my direct sales company I had been a stay at home mom for several years. Due to some changes with my husband’s employment it became clear that I would have to start contributing financially to our household. I met my mentor through a friend, heard her story, learned about the company and I was hooked and haven’t looked back since. I still stay home with my kids but also work from home on my terms!
2. Never have to worry about layoffs
As I mentioned above that I am a stay at home mom. This happened accidentally after I was laid off. One Friday afternoon my boss tearfully let me go. The following Wednesday we found out we were expecting our first child. I bring this up only to serve as a reminder, to others and myself, that by working for myself and owning my own business I will not be subject to layoffs again.
3. Retire early
When you own your own business you set the pace and goals. With enough grit and determination (and support) early retirement is a real and tangible proposition.
4. Help you save money on taxes
Owning a home business is a wonderful way to save on taxes. Think about it, everything becomes a deduction. A portion of your rent or mortgage, gas and car expenses, even clothes and makeup can be written off. (Disclaimer, I’m not a tax specialist, please talk to one for specifics.)