Article by Pamela C Wills
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #29
To be successful in the arts, you have to treat your talents like your treasure.
Uncomfortable reading that? Time for an attitude adjustment, my friend. Your attitude about your value as an Artist and what you create has everything to do with how much BANK you make.
The Starving Artist Myth...
Too many artists believe the tired myth that art is more legit when created by poor people. FYI: This crazy idea was popularized mid-19th century by French poet Henri Murger, who made some extra cash with his novel, Scènes de la vie bohème about a bunch of poor artists in Paris. The book was wildly popular; suddenly, starving artists were trendy.
But that was almost two centuries ago!!! Before running water, sliced bread and the Internet! Perversely, we’ve been dragging that tired old myth behind us like a gigantic ball and chain for 150+ years.
To make matters worse, too many artists still believe that poverty and suffering contribute to superior art.
Artists, we MUST let the starving artist myth DIE. Financial bankruptcy does NOT make us artistically superior. Access to deep emotions combined with strong talents make great art. Poverty and suffering distract us from creating. Financial solvency provides a solid foundation from which to do more of what we love and the peace to do it spectacularly.
Ditch that myth with three strategies I’ve proven to create success in the arts:
1 :: Learn to believe in your Artist self.
- This first step is crucial. You MUST believe in your talent to make a living from it! To get your big break and succeed, your very first step towards busting the starving artist syndrome is to OWN your talents! Every business owner must believe in what they’re selling and you’re no exception.
- Start calling yourself an Artist – whether songwriter, designer, sculptor, choreographer, actor or other creative pro – say I AM! Own your Artist self and you’ll be on your way.
- Fear, doubt and worry are like the Bermuda Triangle of life. They affect your bottom line profoundly. To escape the trap, realize that fear is just a word and let it go. Eject doubt from your mind. Be ruthless with worry; show it the hand.
- Forget about Plan B. Go for the gold! Without compelling belief in yourself and your work, you’ll spin your wheels forever. Fear, doubt and worry kill dreams – let them go and watch yourself soar.