Article by Jeannine Chanin Penn
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #29
Have you noticed that creativity and creative thinking has been popping up more and more in articles and books from scientists, psychologists, teachers and artists? From Fortune 500 Companies to schools to your own personal pursuits, embracing innovation and creativity is essential.
“Creativity is not an option, it’s an absolute necessity.” - Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D
Are you someone who loves being or wants to be creative? Do you think you have to be born with it? Are you a practicing artist that often feels stuck? The truth is anyone can learn to hone the mindset of thinking and expanding creatively.
The following is a short list of what I have found to be essential in my practice and relatively easy to incorporate even in some small way into your life. By developing these habits, you will foster greater creativity in your work, your life and your art.
1| Be Curious… about everything. Ask questions. Learn something new. “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” ~Albert Einstein
2| Be Observant. Look around. Look down. Look up. People watch. Take a walk.
3| Be Playful. Play like a kid. Play with a kid. Play, be playful, be silly and joyful.
4| Be Spontaneous. Allow spontaneity in your life. Ditch the plans once in a while and just go with the flow.
5| Be quiet. Find your quiet. Your solitude. Practice mindfulness and take that time for you. “Without great solitude no serious work is possible.” ~ Pablo Picasso
6| Be a Dreamer. Daydream. When you’re in the shower, your car and anywhere else your mind wanders. Give your imagination free reign to think from the brilliant to the bizarre to the ridiculous!
7| Be courageous. I’m not talking the jumping out of airplane kind of courageous (although that counts!) I mean the risk taking, willing to fail kind of courageous.
8| Be consistent. Make it a habit. Make it a practice. Fine tune and repeat.