Eyenie Schultz

Eyenie Schultz
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Eyenie Schultz

Eyenie {eh-zjeh-knee} is a SoulStyle Coach who helps women to discover, embrace, and confidently reveal their unique beauty through their signature style, so they can magnetically attract what they want in their life and biz. 

A little bit woo-woo, a little bit rock-n-roll, Eyenie knows that the magic of the makeover happens when the inside and outside shift together to create neon synergy!

After years of feeling like a hideous freak, home girl decided it was time to feel beautiful herself and did "the work". Today, she lives in the South of France with her tiny dancer + Twin Flame of 16 years, and has found her voice as the Technicolor Priestess, and is empowering women around the world do the very same.

P.S. She's a Reiki Master + loves unicorns and purple.

Make sure to grab your {free} copy of Eyenie’s super deluxe e-guide, 5 Secrets to Loving Yourself From the Inside Out here:


Living in NEON! with Eyenie Schultz

Are you ready to step out of blah grey-scale and leap into NEON?! Join SoulStyle Coach & Visibility Facilitator, Eyenie Schultz for "Living in NEON!" to learn how use your unique beauty, mad style and mindset to feel WOW and live a life you mega dig, and let the authentic YOU radiate!


Elena Lipson

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Elena Lipson

Elena Lipson is the Divine Self-Care Mentor, life coach, retreat leader and creator of the 21 Days of Radical Self-Care Rituals online course. Through her coaching, retreats, and programs, Elena works with women all over the world to become the #1 asset in their life, business and the bedroom so they can reconnect to their purpose and passion.

Elena has lived in Russia, NYC, California and today happily enjoys the green trees and fresh air of the Pacific Northwest with her amazing husband, zen-kiddo and sweet-soul pup Chi-Chi. You can learn more about her and her work at


Marinna Rose

Marinna Rose
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Marinna Rose

Marinna Rose is known as the Soul Alchemist, alchemizing her client’s pain and struggle into their Soul Purpose, igniting their entrepreneurial spirit.

She has successfully Produced & Hosted her own Educational Series interviewing over 25 world known coaches and healers, as well as her transformational 21 Day program in which each of the speakers participate in.

She loves working with her Signature System “Soul Flower Methodology” that blends all of her specialty knowledge into one laser focused system that reignites her clients purpose and mission of their soul. She is a Certified Scientific Hand Analyst & Quantum Touch Energy Healer.


Jennah Ferrer-Foronda

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Jennah Ferrer-Foronda

Jennah Ferrer-Foronda is an Expressive Arts Creative Psychology Coach / Writer / Artist / App Creator-Entrepreneur and iPhoneographer. She is a professional member of IEATA { International Expressive Arts Therapy Association }. Her work has been published in The Writers Tribe Journal, Holistic Fashionista Magazine and Catalyst Women. Jennah imagines a world where a woman's style, dharma { =purpose }, stories + soundtrack are tools for creative collaboration and elevation – present + future. Currently, she is working on a book about raising boys of today to be the conscious men of tomorrow. Jennah is a proud Native Angeleno and lives in the Hollywood Hills with her husband and son. Learn more at: 


Sherry Mirshahi-Totten

Sherry Mirshahi-Totten
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Sherry Mirshahi-Totten

Sherry Mirshahi-Totten, MBA is an award-winning brand strategist, best-selling author, speaker, and CEO of Make Your Brand in Demand. 

She helps package women coaches, authors and speakers for their next business milestone, or what she calls “your next big break.” In doing so, clients go from mere experts to influential Brands in Demand while expanding and transforming their business presence. 

As polished and professional Brands in Demand™, her clients have gotten speaking engagements and media attention, launched successful programs, and fast-tracked their profitability. 

In Corporate America, Sherry grew leading brands, refined sales processes, and built marketing initiatives in competitive industries for major companies including General Mills. 

Sherry is a blogger for the Huffington Post where she writes on business and branding topics for women. She received an APEX Award and was a finalist for three nationwide entrepreneurship awards. She earned mentions in top websites including TheChicagoTribune.com, NASDAQ.com, AOL.com, and MSN.com.


Amanda Egger

Amanda Egger
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Amanda Egger

Amanda Egger is the founder of I am Fearless Bliss. Amanda works with former teen moms who are ready to heal from a painful past so they can go on to live their life in a big way. 

Amanda's not your typical life coach, no running through meadows while sippin’ on green juice. Amanda is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and Retreat Leader. 

Amanda is a rebel, a dreamer and a blissful starlet.
She lives her life center stage and is not afraid to live in bliss. Amanda's intention is to guide you in becoming the star of your own life (not simply being in the supporting cast), banish limiting beliefs, rediscover your purpose and design a life you love (for real). Totally fearless bliss.


Kelsey Borlan Lee

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Kelsey Borlan Lee

Kelsey is the Founder & CEO of The Brand Gals. The Brand Gals is a full-service branding and design agency based in Los Angeles, CA. Their services have got you covered from developing your brand promise to turning that promise into a full fledged visual brand identity. Their packages include logo and website design, branded photography and so so many more beautiful things. 

Are you ready for some brand MAGIC? Visit thebrandgals.com TODAY to grab your FREE DIY Brand Audit!


Heather Jadus

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Heather Jadus

Heather has been working in the energy business for almost 20 years but in April of 2013 she was smacked in the face with some information that has now become her passion. She learned that regulations on cosmetic ingredients were over 75 years old!  Who knew that what you put on your skin could be harming you and you and your family’s health? So Heather took a vow to shout this information from the rooftops and tell everyone who would listen. She knew this mission was important as she is Mom to two toddlers, Gianna 3.5 and Vinnie - 2. She was already worried about what they were being exposed to in their food but never thought about the toxins on their body wash, toothpaste or sunscreen. Heather is determined to be seen and heard on these issues so watch out for her, she's about to educate YOU!

Be Informed. Be Safe. Be Healthy.
