Article by Amanda Egger
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26
The act of singing releases endorphins, the brain’s “happy” chemicals. Let your inner rock star out! You can create a “my happy theme songs” on your iPod, sing in the shower or heck you could even write your own little happy tune. Never mind if you don’t have the voice of an angel, Just Sing and release your happy chemicals.
Wear Pink or Yellow
Pink is associated with happiness & romance so if your feeling down in the dumps throw on a pink top and get happy. In need of some cheering up throw on your yellow sweater and Cheer Up, Butter Cup! Yellow is associated with inspiration and intelligence.
Take part in an activity that makes you happy- such as riding your bike, swimming, baking, walking and of course Dance. There is always time for a Dance Break. Have you ever been in a bad mood after you danced? Shake your groove thang!
Hang out with your besties
Get your girls together (unless your friends suck & bring your mood down. Then go get new friends). Have some fun with your friends. Eat, Drink & be Merry.
Be Grateful
Make a list of all the things in your life that you are truly grateful for. Put your focus on what you have at this moment and you’ll surely feel happy with all that you have.
Wake up with a smile.
Wake up with a big smile on your face. By moving your muscles into a smile you will increase endorphins. You could state a happy positive affirmation to yourself while you are grinning ear to ear. It could be as simple as “I am Joy” or “My future is always bright and happy. I look at only the bright side of things.”
Not just a little chuckle a great belly laugh. Ya know where you laugh so hard you could pee your pants. You could go to the comedy club (ever see anybody leave there miserable?) Or you could watch some LMAO videos on youtube.