Success Strategy #2 - Trust
You must be able to trust the process. Don’t hold onto the goal so tight that you suffocate the life right out of it. Or allow your emotions to get the best of you ruling the situation, holding on for dare life thinking this is your only option or opportunity.
This is your ego speaking to you, telling you this is your last chance. Not true, it could not be farther from the truth.
You must be in awareness enough to recognize when to walk away. Let’s just say when your health becomes at risk that is a sure sign!
Trust that the Universe has your back at and is supporting you at all times. Trust that you gave it everything you had to get there and that was the very best that you could do.
In this trust the frustration fades into the past, there is no more need to analyze, you simply fall into the knowing that everything is in perfect divine order for your highest and best life to unfold.
Success Strategy #2 -Allow
Allowing the whole process to flow through you from beginning to end is the key! Allow the frustration to come, but usher it out through your body just as fast as it showed up. Keep it moving. Go for a run, walk anything you can do that releases it. While you are releasing this energy feel yourself replacing it with hopeful excited energy again, trusting that it is just around the corner.
By being in a state of allowing you are not being dormant, you are staying balanced with your emotions and being aware of the next opportunity.
So important to keep your awareness In doing this you will be welcoming the new opportunity allowing it into your life with open arms!
In every loss there is a winner. For everything has it’s ying and yang, negative and positive. You become successful in everything when you master the art of success in the aftermath of loosing.
Now that you have mastered the art of success in the aftermath of loosing, be prepared to take massive action again. This time around you’ll have this priceless life experience, knowledge and inner strength that guides you fearlessly.
Remember, don’t be defeated just “Sit Tight, Trust and Allow.”