The message of this month’s card, the six of pentacles in reverse, can be likened to breathing. It calls our awareness to giving out, and bringing in, and giving out, and bringing in. When we breathe out, most of us don’t fear that there may not be enough air for the next breath in.
We simply use that exhalation to move our bodies forward, to speak, to make room for that next inhalation. We trust. In this way, the shining pentacles (or coins) that appear on this card remind us that they are ours to give out...completely. And we must offer them out, to move our lives forward, to express ourselves, to create a reason or a space for that next coin to come into our lives. We can trust, says this card’s presence.
Now, add to this vision, the idea that pentacles or coins on a tarot card represent money--material wealth and abundance. Think of how you give and spend money.
Do you offer it freely, trusting that the next inhalation will be there?
Do you spend in ways to move yourself forward, knowing that there is no question as to whether or not there is a next breath of wealth? ...of abundance? Are you free of doubt, to the extent that your joy knows no bounds, regardless of what’s in your wallet? Unless you are able to say ‘YES’ to these queries, the card this month encourages you to address the beliefs that back up your story of why you cannot.
Employ the assistance of a guided mediation, a coach, a trusted mentor, a wise friend, a divination tool, or your spirit guides. Lift the rug and see what’s piling up underneath. Inner integrity is paramount, here--be honest with yourself about which beliefs are moving you forward and which ones are like quicksand. Moving into the dark corners with the assistance of a light source, removes the darkness; and, reveals the nuggets of gold! So, do what needs to be done; and, move into the darkness to receive your gold. Then you can go ahead and freely exhale.