Your Brand Identity: An Inner Beauty of Brilliance Angel Quintana December 6, 2014 Inner Beauty Of Brilliance YOUR BRAND IDENTITY: AN INNER BEAUTY OF BRILLIANCEArticle by Denita AustinPhoto Credit: Rose JaneMagazine: Issue #19The Key ingredient of being brilliant is making the decision to become a leader. Not just in business but in life.Brilliance is more than just coming up with a fantastic idea, it's the core essence of truly being you.Allowing your creativity to run wild while taking ownership of what is yet to unfold. For me, a brilliant beauty is a striking person who shines a light well beyond themselves. This beautiful soul is someone who stands for something larger than themselves which continues to speak volumes in the world on many levels. We become brilliant by doing the work and learning from our mistakes. Creating solutions to problems is a great attribute of brilliance.Are you a problem solver? Do you create solutions? Push that fear aside and allow that exceptional talent to shine. This magic that you hold is too big to fit within a box. Unleash that Inner Beauty of brilliance to the world and watch how intriguing your gift truly is. Be Creative, Be Bold, Be Brilliant! MORE RAD IDEAS: Projecting the Culture of Your Brand Entrepreneurship: Bridging the Gap Between Business and Art Tres Branifique! Building a Brand Heritage 4 Designer Myths That Keep You From Discovering Your Design Voice Let's Get Uncomfortable, Embrace Change & Become a Business Trendsetter® Individuality, the Cornerstone to Branding Your Purpose How to Build a Brand Without Stressing Out How to Find a Niche when Starting a Holistic Brand