Article by Agustina Palacio
Philosophy of People
Magazine: Issue #21
Would you like to know my 5 easy steps that will convert your Facebook fans into paying customers for your fashion business?
I used to wonder what the secret was…I was working so hard to create new followers on Facebook and for what? None of those new likes were buying my swimwear. I was spending time and effort for nothing! I thought that there should to be an easy step by step system to converting those likes to sales, and luckily I found it, and the results are well worth it.
So let’s dive deep into my 5 Steps:
Step 1: Create a Contest.
You must be thinking, how a contest, which entails giving away something for free, will help you attract paying customers. Well I used to think just like you! However, I started realizing the POWER of Email Marketing and what a huge part it is in this step by step system. So stay with me.
Step 2: Create a Landing Page with your Contest.
A landing Page is a page where you’ll redirect the people who are interested in participating in your contest. Here you need to add all the information regarding your contest such as when is the contest finishing, what is the price and when you’ll be choosing the winner. Make sure that you require entrants to provide their names and an email addresses. You can also use an app like Heyo that will make this step super easy!
Step 3: Create an ad to promote your contest.
Your ad should have a link to the landing page you’ve created in the previous step. You can promote the contest targeting your fans which is less expensive and also promote your contest to your competitor’s fans. Your goal here is to get as many Dream Customers as possible to sign up for your contest.
Step 4: Set-up your follow-up sequence.
You need to create an auto-responder in your email service provider. You should set it up to deliver at least five emails. The goal of these emails is to build TRUST, to paint you as an EXPERT in your field, and to develop a RELATIONSHIP with your new prospective buyers.