The One Key to Allowing Abundance

Key to Allowing Abundance

Key to Allowing Abundance


Article by Sam Shelley
Philosophy of People
Magazine: Issue #21

I was an anxious, scared of the world child. This negative, fear based mindset attracted everything I did not desire which included incurable diseases, a box full of medicine and a cane.

I was unaware of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy. Or as Buddha stated – “What you think, you become.”

For myself, I can clearly see that I was on Autopilot going through life, allowing the subconscious mind to take over 99% of my actions. The subconscious mind learns how to walk, feed ourselves, and even develops conditioned responses to the way we respond to daily challenges. Most of the time I was not making conscious choices. The mind had a huge too do list that kept me chasing happiness.  Ultimately, the mind seeks constant gratification – it desires to always be happy. Expect the happiness that the mind chases is conditional. And those conditions are constantly changing, making a state of happiness for most people difficult. Being happy was nearly impossible for me – I had a lot of pain and suffering.  

When my subconscious brain was in full control, life was miserable. It gave me everything that I didn’t really want and yet I had no idea that my energy was only returning that same energy. I would have made life easier for myself, if I would have slowed down and allowed the conscious mind to make the choices.  The subconscious mind works incredible fast, the conscious mind is very slow.  

Try this experiment. Go grab a glass of water. Now without thought, take a drink. Now with thought, take a drink. Make your arm grab the glass, lift it up to your mouth, then open your mouth, then tilt the glass so you can receive the water, close your mouth, and then swallow. Those are basic steps, you could easily add a few hundred steps to this process.  

Without interrupting the subconscious mind you will be forced into autopilot.  When we are in autopilot then we are not in this moment, we have allowed the subconscious mind to take control. By slowing down, and becoming aware of our choices we take back control from the mind

A person in this exact moment is abundant and prosperity comes easily. Being present is simple yet difficult. Taking back control of the mind becomes difficult when the loud mind is in your face with a huge to-do list. One has to be willing to spend time in meditation or performing tasks mindfully. These practices become your keys to abundance.   

I help guide people out of the mind, by creating a unique program that will undo their subconscious mental programs that are attracting everything they do not want. My signature service is “The Undo.” “The Undo” allows everyone to re-write the programs in their subconscious mind. It’s our choice when we want to stop the cops in our head.  

Spread Your Genius Like Wildfire is a compilation of self-improvement articles written by entrepreneurs seeking to bring holistic solutions to everyday problems. Read more articles from this feature.

Sam J Shelley – Awakened spiritual teacher, healer, and author. Helping people to realize their true potential. Learn more about his signature service The Undo.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


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