The Art of Letting Go


Article by LaChele King

The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

Now then, it happened to me not long ago when I said goodbye to a love in my life and to focus on myself. At that moment, I became enlightened to a whole new world. A new meaning of self-love. When I just focused on myself and only myself, at that moment I understood the true meaning of energy. Do you remember when that moment was for yourself? That energy can grow into different aspects within myself if I put enough focus on it. Once that is done, you can use that energy to help yourself grow in many ways.

  • Career

  • Enhancing spiritual gifts

  • Love

  • Friends

  • Family

  • Hobbies that you have a passion for

What can you do to find it? To find what it is liked to be truly loved is by finding it within yourself. Find the one thing that makes you happy. Start from there by finding what you love and not let go.


How you find true happiness within yourself is by finding self-love. It can be frustrating at first but on the other hand you can get used to saying no. No, can be a strong word used in the right content. When you have no one around you to steer you in the right direction. Who can you turn to and make sure you are heading in the right direction? How can you survive when you give so much to others and not to yourself.  You have to be a good person to yourself first. Words are great, but you need someone to show you too.  You just can’t wait for someone to catch up with you. You can’t help someone to reach your level or help them get to the point of awakening. They have to do it on their own. Just as you did. But, what if someone said to you “I’m not going anywhere”. Why can’t that someone be you?  It should.


You can’t be with someone who brings you to that level of feeling less than. They are the ones that have to find themselves. No one helped you get to you through your trials and tribulations, you did it on your own…so should they. 

The art of letting go, it’s not as easy as it sounds, is it especially hard when you’re by yourself. You want someone to turn to but, who do you go to? 

You can’t just trust anyone but your own self and intuition. Maybe you’ve had to break your heart, or had to walk away, it’s easier said than done. Have you had that moment in your life yet? What did you do and how did you do it when were you awakened? I let go of everything that was holding me down.

Everyone has a gift inside of them it just has to be awakened inside of you. Once you’ve mastered that, it’s what you decide with that awakening to help yourself. Awaken that part of you, that has never been utilized, to its full potential until that moment. Now, the aha moment, how do you want to use those skills that you have awakened inside of you. What are you going do about it?

I realized throughout my  life, when I was going through everything, I was asked how did you do it? What steps did you take? What tools from your experience got you to each step? I began to separate myself from my own problems to help others before I helped myself. And through it all, I was healing myself too. At that moment I realized, I was a life coach and healer. A coach for love, work, life, friendships, marriages, hard times and through the years I was using my own experiences to help them through theirs. I had a huge awakening not too long ago and it got me to where I am now. I am helping people through their trials and tribulations or even just hard times in general. It’s like I’m that best friend that they have on speed dial to help them in those hard times. And I’m here to tell you that I am not going to leave you, I’m not going anywhere. It might be a moment in your life, maybe something you’ve been struggling with… for years. But it just takes that one person to talk to and help you through those moments in life. Where you need that one extra push to move you forward to your fullest potential. What is your gift?


Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t know what to say when you were so upset, you were so frustrated, and you didn’t know how to put into words how you’re feeling? AND needing someone to be there for you in your life, that has enough experience to get you through those hard times. Sometimes it’s easier and stronger just to say nothing at all. Shine your brightest and that mindset is where it all begins. Acting as if. What does that mean? Act as if you have the love you want. Act as if you have the job you want. Act as if you have the relationship you want. When you are in that mindset, act as if, it will come to you. Spend time with yourself.  It involves trust. Trust can get you far in your life.  It’s time to let it go.  Enjoy the journey.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
