When I first started my business, I was overwhelmed with how to put together a marketing calendar so I know what to promote and when.
At first I thought I could just wing it and promote randomly, but then marketing just became an afterthought and I’d forget to promote it all together.
Then, I realized how EASY it is to have a sale or a product promotion when I used the holidays to dictate my sales strategy! And wha-la! My marketing calendar was born.
A lot of business mentors say you need to start promoting WAY in advance and have it all mapped out. Well, that’s in a perfect world! We soloproneurs are busy bees!
Maybe you’re having those same thoughts? Perhaps you’re intimidated about all the things you’ll have to “do” to make a promotion or sale happen, which makes you NOT do one at all!
Oh no! I totally feel you!
So I put together a video to help you put together a FAST, EASY, SO EASY holiday sales strategy.
* How to Get Your Audience to Open Your Email (thanks Sag!)
* What to Sell
* How to Write a Compelling Email to Your List that Gets them Interested
* A Simple Step-by-Step Sales Strategy (You can do it 1 hour!)
* And more!
And the best part, is since the Sun is in Sagittarius right now, there is a THEME that will maximize your promotion if you do these couple things!
But don’t wait. We’ve got a long weekend ahead of us and a TON of opportunity to make $$$.
Grab your pen and journal, chica! It’s time to make some money!
7 STEPS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM * bit.ly/freedom-class
THE SHADOW SELF WORKSHOP * bit.ly/shadow-class
NEW MOON RITUALS * http://bit.ly/hf-botanica
The Rising Star Project Podcast * bit.ly/rising-podcast
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