How to Stop Caring What Others Think of You (Leaving the Matrix) Angel Quintana December 4, 2020 HFTV HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU (LEAVING THE MATRIX) How to Stop Caring What Others Think of You (Leaving the Matrix) [Click the "wheel" icon to change it to HD so the quality is better!] SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL What is reality anyway? Or maybe the better question is: how many realities are there and how do you leave the Matrix? In this video, I also discuss the meaning behind What Holistic Fashionista is and who it was built for.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------▽ Join The Club-▽ Join My Mailing List-▽ Join the Holistic Fashionista Community-▽ Holistic Fashionista Magazine: pick up your copy!-▽ Follow Me on Instagram- ▽ Advertise in Holistic Fashionista Magazine- ▽ Embrace Your Individuality with a class from Holistic Fashionista Mystery School- upload videos like this regularly. Subscribe NOW to nourish your inner temple: Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, a community-based platform and magazine for those who feel called to help create the New Earth. She is a practicing astrologer for nearly 30 years and herbal alchemist helping others to find their soul’s magick and brilliance by reprogramming their subconscious mind and owning their voice. She has a special connect with alchemist, St. Germain and the Life Path 7th Ray, The Age of Aquarius, and her love for plants and tarot are prevalent in many of her workshops. As a a starseed and 5D activist, she was brought here to serve humanity, and Holistic Fashionista is her platform where she shares her divine downloads to encourage her clients to explore their own divinity and become powerful, self-realized New Earth Leaders of Tomorrow. Learn more about Angel and her work We'd ♡ to hear from you! Follow on Instagram! PAST EPISODES: How to Stop Caring What Others Think of You (Leaving the Matrix) Hustle Is A 3D Program, Do THIS Instead The Sacred Steps Into The 5D Stop Competing with Yourself and Do THIS Instead The Rainbow Bridge Bridge The Gap and Get What You Want Why It's Important to Speak Your Truth Why Your Desire Hasn't Manifested Why We Live in a Sex Obsessed Society P.2