Everyday thousands of people conform to what they have been taught growing up. They fall in line with what society deems to be the norm and, in that instance, their dreams fall further into the distance.
We work jobs we hate, with people we don’t like, say yes to people because we don’t like to let them down, follow people on social media who don’t make us feel good about ourselves, go to university or college because that’s what our parents want, and the list goes on. We do all these things we do not like, day after day. Buy why? Why do we make choices that dampen our shine and ultimately lead us to leading a mediocre life?
Our minds are programmed from the moment we are born, and we unconsciously take on the beliefs of people around us.
Our parents tell us to be careful constantly as children which starts to introduce fear. Have you ever watched a kid run as fast as they can and try a front flip they have never tried before? They have no fear! But as an adult we would be worried we would cause an injury and so we do not even try.
This ends up running through every area of our lives. Our minds try to keep us in ‘safety net mode’ by planting seeds of doubt. What if I leave this job and start my dream career, I might not be able to do the job? What if I go on that date, they might not like me? What if I start my new business, people might not buy my product or services? And that is before the people around us have their say and cast their seeds of doubt!
What if you start to change the way you think?
You have a chance to live the most fulfilled, magical, and extraordinary life. Your life is only limited by your imagination and you can only put a glass ceiling above yourself. Read that again. Only YOU can put a limit on yourself. Its time to remove the ceiling.
Imagine the life you want to live, something that makes your soul shine. It lights you up at the very thought of doing it. Even thinking about it makes you smile. Now imagine how your life would change if you were doing this every day. How would your day run? What would your relationships look like? What would you eat? Where would you live? Drill down into the smallest details of what your life would be like and imagine it as if it were happening right now. Your mind cannot tell the difference between what is happening just in thought and what is happening in reality so feel the feelings and emotions you would have if this was now your life. Do this every day.
Whatever just came to your mind, start building it today. Take the risk and go for it, full steam ahead. If it does not light you up, its not worth doing. You will be surprised at how much you can achieve if you get specific with your goals and just take the leap. The more you focus on what you want, the more you will be open to the opportunities that present themselves to you.
My family play a game called ‘spot the yellow car’. The rules are, when you see one, you have to shout, ‘yellow car’ the fastest and you then get to flick the others. Before I started playing this game, I would have said I see a yellow car once a month, at best! Since playing, I now see 1-2 yellow cars per day. This is a perfect example of when our mind is focused on something, we are open to and recognize more opportunities that are right in front of us.
In a years’ time you will wish you started today. Build your life the way that makes your soul shine the brightest. You deserve it!