We’re remembering freedom with every witnessed and released shadow.⠀
For so long, we as a collective, have buried our shadows into the closets of our psyche. Forgetting the wholeness we once had. Maybe this is how the shadow was created in the first place. Either way, freeing these shadows is the same as freeing ourselves, and this is a shared responsibility within the collective.
It’s our job to take care of these subconscious, wounded parts of ourselves, and nurture them until they’re ready to move on. Or until we no longer need them. Because just like you, it has a job to do. Once you start to hear it correctly, you’ll understand it’s purpose.
Perhaps the shadow is the reflection of our ignored, repressed light. The part of us we suppressed in our conditioning or as a result of our fear. And it demands to be heard. The thing is though, we’re not listening properly. Instead, we’re blaming our external circumstances for the messes our internal world has created.
But the main point I want to make is that you won’t fully taste FREEDOM until you’ve witnessed your shadow. Funny enough, it’s what we all try to avoid, spend our lives running from, all while LIVING IT OUT.⠀
So I want to ask you, have you faced your shadow? If not, start with how you feel right now.
Here is a quick walk through, just like what I do with myself or with my clients, on how to start facing your shadow:
Let’s give anxiety a go. It’s a common emotion we all suffer from.
To release the anxiety, first, it needs to be FELT. Find it in your body, acknowledge it, think love into it until you feel it. Tell it, “it’s okay to be scared or anxious. You can be here. I’ll hold you and love you even though it’s uncomfortable. I’m sorry for abandoning you all this time. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you for telling me how you feel. I promise we’ll be okay.”⠀
As you speak to your subconscious in this loving way and truly witness it, you’re giving it space to exist and the room to leave. When you resist negative emotions, you’re actually holding onto them. I encourage you to keep this simple moment in mind when you feel the discomfort from a yucky emotion begin to arrive. This practice of loving yourself will completely change the way you treat yourself.
The ore you do this, the better you’ll treat yourself, the better you’ll feel, the better you’ll be, and the better you’ll attract. This is the beginning of your most authentic, love-filled life. It’s been waiting for you.