Today I wanted to write something totally different but I’m melancholy. Sad. Bummed. Moody AF! In the past I would have wallowed deeply in my emotions, allowing them to take over who I am. I would let my mood dictate what I ate (moody me loves sweets!), how I spoke, and who I interacted with. Please don’t get me wrong, we are grown adults and can do whatever we want at any time but doing it from a place of empowerment is ideal.
When we let our emotions take over, we give up the keys to the car of our soul and let what we feel take us on a ride BLINDLY! This can create more suffering on top of an already existing problem, causing a ripple affect of sorts. Trust me, I’ve been there too many times to count! I’ve made rash decisions, became reactive, and even closed off the world when I really needed support.
So what SHOULD we do when these “negative” emotions arise? What is the purpose of the emotions at all? And how do we remain in the driver seat of our heart, mind, and soul???
Emotions only ever come to the surface to help us navigate life, go back to our centers, and help us expand our consciousness. Emotions were never meant to stay long term, they are there for you to have an experience and then poof! Off they go. It really is that simple, but we make it much harder because we fight for them to stay when we resist what IS.
This can be so challenging so please know it’s often easier said than done. We become accustomed to some emotions, even calling them a friend or part of our personality. That is over identification babes and it doesn’t lead us down a path to or highest selves.
The next time you get in a mood take a few deep slow breaths and pay attention to your surroundings. Notice who you are with, what’s being said, the background, and what you are doing. Check in with the body and explore. Ask yourself why you feel this way, what do you need in the moment, and how can a solution be formed. By stopping and going within first, you remain empowered rather than letting the emotion take you on a ride. If possible remove yourself from the situation.
Care for yourself the way you would a dear friend. Rest, drink water, take a bubble bath, or go or a walk. Do what is needed to give you the space to be the OBSERVER of the emotion. The more you choose yourself in these moments the easier it will become.
It’s from that empowered state that we can look deep within and love the parts of ourselves that have been triggered. We can see the child that is crying out for love and attention and be the “parental” space holder so healing can take place. There is no shame or guilt in how we feel. It is all valid, but you don’t have to give it power over your mind, heart, and soul. You are love at your core. Allow love to help you create a heart centered solution that is meaningful and purposeful in your life.
Remember a spiritual journey takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and allow emotions to be invites to self love.