How to Use the Law of Attraction for Self Healing Angel Quintana June 27, 2018 HFTV HOW TO USE THE LAW OF ATTRACTIONFOR SELF HEALING [Click the "wheel" icon to change it to HD so the quality is better!] SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL If you've ever wondered why you can't heal, even though you've tried everything, then the Law of Attraction is going to change all that. You just need to make sure you're doing it right and that you're truly a believer! This video breaks down 7 secrets that will help you embrace the Law of Attraction so you can become your own healer!If we treat our bodies like the light being WE are, we can create miracles in our lives. If you can move slower and implement these 7 secrets, your body will heal itself and as a result you won't be the same person. Are you ready for all that? If so, get ready for an eye-opening video that will break all 7 points down so you can use them in your life starting now!LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE:Learn more about SKIN SPIRITUALITY here (3 free classes) ▽ to Ask me a Question? Click Here ▽ to HOLISTIC FASHIONISTA MAGAZINE ▽ the Holistic Fashionista Community ▽ Me on Instagram ▽ ANGEL QUINTANA IS AN ASTROLOGER, AUTHOR, METAPHYSICAL TEACHER, AND HEALER WHO IS KNOWN FOR HER THOUGHT-PROVOKING LECTURES THAT EMPOWER THE NEXT GENERATION OF HOLISTIC LEADERS. HER RITUAL APPROACH TO LIFE IS PERSONALIZING THE WAY WE LOOK AT MONEY, RELATIONSHIPS, CAREER, AND SPIRITUALITY; WHILE WITH HER FORWARD-THINKING CONCEPTS, SIGNATURE SYSTEM® AND KISMET CLIENT®, INSPIRE OTHERS TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES, EMBODY THEIR GIFTS, AND CREATE HOLISTIC PRODUCTS THAT SOLVE PROBLEMS FROM THEIR ROOT FOR GREATER CLARITY AND LOVE. LEARN MORE ABOUT ANGEL AND HER WORK ANGELQUINTANA.COM. WE’D ♡ TO HEAR FROM YOU! FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM OR FACEBOOK! PAST EPISODES: How to Stop Caring What Others Think of You (Leaving the Matrix) Hustle Is A 3D Program, Do THIS Instead The Sacred Steps Into The 5D Stop Competing with Yourself and Do THIS Instead The Rainbow Bridge Bridge The Gap and Get What You Want Why It's Important to Speak Your Truth Why Your Desire Hasn't Manifested Why We Live in a Sex Obsessed Society P.2