How to Gain Self-Confidence in 3 Easy Steps

Gain Self-Confidence

Gain Self-Confidence


Article by Megan Hale
Philosophy of People
Magazine: Issue #18

We could have all the riches in the world, but when we don’t have self-confidence it’s nearly impossible to enjoy our blessings.  We need a shift within.  Self-confidence is a dynamic concept that takes practice, effort, and consistent shifts in how you interact with yourself and the world.  

However, you can get started today with 3 easy steps.

Dress Up

Now you may be thinking how shallow does that sound, but there’s magic behind the scenes.  When we dress up (show up) and put on an outfit that makes us feel good about how we look to the world, we also tend to feel better within.  So many of clients have stopped caring about their outer appearance because they’re so unhappy with how they feel inside.  So, get dressed for yourself.  Put in a little extra effort to feel your best and do this consistently.  This sends a strong internal message that you’re worth getting dressed up for.  

Stop bashing yourself in public.

There’s a horrible epidemic going around that it’s socially acceptable to put yourself down so that you can be lifted up by others.  This is a no-no when it comes to building self-confidence.  First of all, we need to shift the focus of our attention from others to ourselves.  When we do this, we learn to rely on ourselves more so for our self-esteem and self-confidence.  Secondly, we can drastically shift this pattern so that you’re building yourself up far more than putting yourself down.  Become comfortable sharing your wins.  Keep your losses to a very small group of people you trust. 

Holistic Fashionista magazine

Treat your body like the temple it is.

You’d be surprised how much diet and exercise play a role in self-confidence.  When we treat our bodies like a trashcan, we tend to feel lower than if we treated it with the respect it deserves.  You aren’t striving for perfection here, just a strong dose of mindfulness.  Ask yourself, “How do I want to treat my body today?”  “What do I want to feed my body today?”  Bringing more mindfulness to the table is a skill that can be easily transferred to multiple life areas and it all begins with increasing your self-awareness.   

Philosophy of People is a compilation of self-improvement articles written by entrepreneurs seeking to bring holistic solutions to everyday problems. Read more articles from our 2nd Year Anniversary issue.

Megan Hale

Megan Hale is a therapist and life coach for women who want to be clear, confident, and courageous in who they are. She’s an expert in helping women find freedom and ease to be themselves and create the courage to find happiness within. Dreamers welcome! You can find her private Facebook community at the place to be for women to create more joy through action >> The Honored Self.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at


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