As entrepreneurs we wear many hats in order to create our brand, our ideal client, and become successful by whatever means. We also sometimes lose sight of who we are and what we have become along the way. It becomes so easy to lose track of the actual reason why we all created a business plan and started on the entrepreneurial journey.
As business owners we take on so many tasks, each one that brings us into multiple directions daily. Let’s be honest here, these tasks happen every second everyday repeatedly until we drain ourselves of all good energy within us. This is the moment when we change who we are, and become someone or something else if only for the need to acquire clients or take a shortcut to get approval in business.
I have seen so many entrepreneur’s and practitioner’s get frantic and try to become something they are not. This at first might seem the path to follow but in the long run becomes an overwhelming venture that creates stress and will actually reduce your business income. I’m speaking about business owners that offer multiple programs, products, or classes similar to a restaurant that has a 27-page menu. You do not need that large of a menu, you need to provide what is that whole part of your being.
If you are a practitioner whatever modality, be that practitioner, be a Reiki Master, be an Iridologist, or be that one thing that you are the best you can be at. If you are a coach, then coach, if you are an artist, then create, and if you are just plain crazy (but recognized for that) then just be plain crazy. Be who you are remain your true self, after all you are not the practitioner or coach that you see on the other side of town, you are you! Stay the course and do not deviate from who you are, you are the one with the knowledge, the drive, and stamina to get things done in a manner the resonates from you and spreads a positive energy throughout your business. You started off as you and should remain your true self, your clients deserve this!
I have seen many practitioners and business owners become so many things that clients have difficulty trying to figure out who you are or what you have become. Don’t let this confusion lead to clients searching for other practitioners or coaches. I have done this; I’ve spent many years trying to become something I’m not due to the fact I never felt good enough to provide just one modality or service. I felt the need to be like others. I went bat shit crazy trying to offer all and everything to my clients and my business suffered completely. We all learn as we grow, and we all grow in different ways.
Stay who you are, be the best you can be as you are, your clients will appreciate the fact that they can trust in you as your true self. Your energy will be well accepted and loved if you maintain your true self!