You are currently studying sustainable fashion design, what is it about sustainable fashion that interests you?
My interest is two-folded, first clothing is one thing that the world cannot live without and I believe it is extremely important that there is a focus on producing clothes in a way that has the smallest footprint on our beautiful nature. Second, when you are trying to produce in a sustainable way, it requires a large degree of innovation and this really excites me. For example, I love the idea of using old materials with no other use and turn it into a functional and beautiful piece of clothing. When I work with my passion for fashion and can do it in a sustainable way, I believe I am doing my small part in making the future a little better.
What should every woman try at least once in her life?
It is very difficult to choose, but I would say that one thing I tried which made a really big impression on my life was when I did volunteer work in a poor neighbourhood in Brazil. The idea was to introduce fashion to some of the girls there in a fun and alternative way. Seeing how much they enjoyed the days and their excitement with our small workshops was incredible and we all learned so much from each other.
And for the day by day, I think every woman should try to be free of rules and be/wear whatever she wants without caring about what people think.
What brings you the greatest joy?
There are three things that always bring me great joy and these are: being with my husband, the amazing feeling of being creative and traveling around the world to see and experience new places and cultures. When I am able to combine these I feel like I am in heaven.
What is the best advice you've been given?
That you should never give up on your dreams. My mom always told me this and I try to keep it in the back of my mind in whatever I do in life. I know life is sometimes tough but in these moments it is important to stay strong and believe in your own ability. So believe in yourself and never give up even when everything seems impossible, because one day you can become an inspiration for a lot of people.
What is on your bookshelf?
Fabric for Fashion - a great guide to learn about the behaviour and properties of different fabrics. If you are interested in knowing a little more about what you wear, it is a good place to start. Please Kill me - The Uncensored Oral History of Punk by Legs McNeil, Gillian McCain - the coolest book ever. It is about the 70’s punk rock: the history, style and craziest stories of the famous people at that moment. From the moment I picked up the book I was addicted. Lolita – Love Vladmir Nabokov literature – a must-read classic. Dom Casmurro – I love Brazilian literature and this book is written by a Brazilian writer I think everybody should know: Machado de Assis. Taking Woodstock – I am crazy about music and it is my biggest inspiration source, so I am always very curious to read about the 60’s and 70’s to get new inspiration and understanding of that period.