Article by Keisha Shields
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #26
Sometimes the higher you climb, the lonelier it becomes. Other times, the more of an impact you begin to make on the world, the easier it is for your truth and your essence to become compromised and the easier it is for you to lose yourself.
In this comparison nation, the pressure to do more in a shorter period of time can become overwhelming. Don’t get it confused, as high-achievers and overachievers that innate drive you have to do more and to go bigger and be better is totally supported (and encouraged). The issue arises, however, when that drive becomes an obligation to conform based on views and desires outside of your own. This can be especially true when you are in high-profile, high-visibility roles in your life and your business or career.
When you feel overwhelmed and pressured and when you feel that there is discord in your spirit and in your world, that may be a sign that it’s time for you to hit reset in your life. When people look up to you, and see a picture of perfection and success, they often don’t realize that there is sometimes deep disconnection and pain lingering in the background.
That feeling of being lonely even when people are all around.
So how do you proceed with being completely solid as a leader and visionary when you realize that you have disharmony in your life? You get permission to hit the reset button as often as you need! As women, it is a beautiful phenomenon to have the ability to self-empower and to be consumed with others who believe in empowering women. When you need to hit the reset button, here are 3 areas to pay special attention to:
Hit the Reset Button tip #1: Friendships: We all love friendships when they are healthy, vibrant, and loads of fun. When your friendships, however, have become draining, unfulfilling, and de-motivating it is time to hit the reset button! Your privacy is very important to you so you tend to have a loyalty complex -- don’t allow people to stick around just because you’re comfortable and familiar with them. If they are not helping you they are hurting you, and vice-versa.
Hit the Reset Button tip #2: Romance: Ooh la la. There’s nothing like a hot, steamy romance to help take your mind and your emotions off of your very demanding world-changing work! To have a supportive ear who is able to not only listen but to help you process what is happening. When you don’t have a supportive partner, though, that can be a huge source of the disharmony and discord that you are experiencing in your personal life. Every woman wants love! And the more successful you are the tougher it can be. You deserve it! Hit Reset!
Hit the Reset Button tip #3: Personal support: Being a leader is not for the faint at heart. When you are at the top (or near the top) of the hierarchical pyramid in your business, your career, or other area of your life you may experience issues with not having the high level of support that you need for you as the woman, the person… not just you as the leader. If you find yourself feeling like you are drowning in despair, completely unfulfilled in your personal life, and yearning to be a part of something much bigger or much more deeply important, you have all the permission in the world to hit reset! Get involved in a supportive sisterhood, or get yourself a life coach or personal development consultant that can focus solely on you and helping you to put together the pieces of your spirit and your heart that are bursting at the seams for new adventure, new challenges, and new opportunities.
If you know that what you REALLY need immediately is amazing, soul-sister support from someone who has your back, who won’t judge you, and who knows that you were indeed created for greatness then this is the best option for you. It’s time for you to get back in alignment with who you were designed to be. I know that your privacy is critically important to your business, your career, and other high-profile roles that you have. Most importantly, I have been in this very position that you’re in now. You feel so disconnected from who you are. You feel embarrassed and ashamed that you’re not where you know you should be at this stage in your life. You know there’s more. Sign up to experience a Reclaim Your Throne™ luxe 1-day deep-intensive (in-person or online!) where I will help you to reset and reclaim! Enrollment bonus available.