We wake up. Our heart’s intent for the day is to be the best we can be and have a day better than the previous. We always seem to want perfection too. We don’t just want good. We expect STELLAR. Who doesn’t want to be the day’s prom queen, Miss America, #1, Best in Show or *said like Mary Katherine Gallagher* a Super Star?
But let’s face it. Life has its own plans for us and perfection is more a state of mind than the byproduct. More often than not, it alludes us.
The tiaras (sashes, Golden Globes, blue ribbons, applause and bright lights) are just outward symbols for which we strive.
Push the attainment for so-called ‘perfectionism’ to the back of the mind. Sure, we know we could end the day wearing the sash and carrying the bouquet of roses (or fear the cosmos throwing a banana cream pie in our face), but life is about, each and every day, the process not the end result. It only depends on us to hang in there, working hard and consistently on ourselves.