Did you know you have a whole spiritual team watching over you? They are a group of angels and spirit guides who are protecting you during your lifetime on Earth. Some of these guides you knew as they are loved ones who passed on, others are special angels assigned to you. This spiritual team is with you all the time whether you know it or not. But how do you know they are there and how do they show you they are there?
Have you ever noticed something constantly recurring to you? Maybe it’s a number, maybe it’s coins, or a feather… it is not a coincidence because there is no such thing as coincidences, these are signs being sent to you from a higher power, from your angels and guides.
Have you also noticed that once you acknowledge that you see these signs, you see them even more frequently? That’s because you are more open to receiving these messages.
Angels and guides are very real and we all have special ones assigned to our souls here on Earth. These signs are their way of communicating with us and letting us know they are with us. They are always with us, but it is up to us to be open to receiving their messages. The Archangels are also always with us, but we need to ask them to intervene because they are the ones who come in in times of extreme crisis.
What do I mean by asking our angels and guides to intervene? While they are always with us, if we ask them for signs to let us know they are there, they will start sending them. There is a great technique you can use which is a meditation from Kyle Gray, who is an expert on all things angels and signs and has worked with them for 20 years.
When you feel you need protection or you need reassurance they are there, call on your angels and guides, let them know what you need help with and say thank you for always showing me signs you are there and then release any and all fears up to them regarding the issues. And then, start being open to receiving the signs. Being open comes from completely letting go and trusting you will be held and taken care of no matter what.
What kind of signs are out there? This is personal to the individual. You might have something that connects you with your loved one and that’s the sign they send you. Coins, rainbows, butterflies, feathers, angel numbers, ladybugs, candle lights going out, certain flowers, smells, playing cards, a song. . . all of these can be interpreted as signs.
Because it’s personal, they might have a special meaning you’ve associated with them and attached to it. But commonly butterflies mean transformation, a white feather symbolizes faith and protection, pennies from heaven or good fortune, a rainbow usually means good things are to come and ladybugs are signs of good luck.
When you see these symbols or your personal symbol, it is important to thank your guides in that moment for sending it to you and allowing you to be open to receiving their message. Gratitude is a frequency that attracts more good vibes into your life.
Angel numbers are very common.
When you see an angel number, it isn’t only telling you your angels are near, each number has its own meaning as well. The most well known one is 11:11. Angel numbers are usually 3 or 4 digits.
Each number itself has a meaning too. If you read tarot you know zero is new beginnings, one is oneness with self and so on. Certain numbers are master numbers like 12 which means completion, but also there are 12 months in a year and 12 signs in the zodiac. The angel numbers are usually 3 or 4 of the same number, but they can also be a mirrored number like 12:21, a progressing number like 12:34, or a doubled number like 12:12.
If you see these numbers on a clock it takes on a slightly different meaning then if you see them somewhere else. You might see them on license plates, addresses, phone numbers, your email inbox on your phone and photo likes on IG. If you are seeing one number recurring often, for example 230, look into what each of those numbers mean too.
Kyle Gray, whom I mentioned earlier, wrote a guide called “Angel Numbers” and goes through every number from 0-999, plus the 4 digit sequence numbers and clock numbers and what they mean. If you are someone who sees numbers a lot it's a great book to have access to on your Kindle reader or app on your phone.
11:11 is probably the one you’ve mostly likely heard of. 11:11 is the ultimate sign of oneness. Oneness with you and your angels, oneness with you and the divine, oneness with the ascended masters who are here to teach and protect us. It’s truly such a beautiful and spiritually connected thing and so much more than a sign of good luck which people commonly relate it to. To me, it’s very 5th dimensional consciousness because it's you aligning yourself from a place of love, from your heart chakra, with the highest goodness there is. 11 is also considered the psychic’s number, so if you're seeing this, your third eye is opening as well.
4:44 is another common angel number. Four is a significant number in itself. 4 seasons, 4 directions, 4 elements, 4 suits in a deck of cards, 4 chambers of the heart and so on. When you are seeing 4:44 your prayers are being answered and you are being asked to have faith.
Are you ready to start receiving signs from your spiritual team? Trust in the Universe’s divine plan for you completely and keep your heart open. The signs will come to you.