A Spiritual Awakening: 4 Reasons Why BEing Sovereign Rocks


Article by Theresa Fowler

A Spiritual Awakening: 4 Reasons Why BEing Sovereign Rocks

The hue(womb)man collective has been led to beLIEve that a Sovereign is a King or Queen-type entity that has full reign of power, rank and authority over others. You know, the images we were programmed with as children of royalty and aristocracy sitting atop their golden thrones, dressed in luxurious fabrics and indulging in the finest foods whilst throwing the scraps to the plebs and watching them fight over said scraps for amusement.

Fuck that 3D slave code matrix bullshit.

In higher frequencies of living, no ‘thing’ has authority over anyone or anything. And because of this, I feel the time has come to reclaim the word ‘Sovereign’.

The sooner we do, the sooner we co-create our New Earth.

During my spiritual journey, I have reclaimed BEing Sovereign as part of the path of BEcoming who it is I really am — my soul’s essence. YOU are also YOUR SOUL’S ESSENCE! And just so you know, my spirituality has no-thing to do with organised religion, which is definitely a part of the slave code matrix… religion is for people who beLIEve in hell; spirituality is for people who have already been there. #justsayin

BEing Sovereign means taking full response-ability of those times in your life when you gave your power away to anyone or anything outside of you, or played the victim, AND then choosing to never allow yourself to accept this way of existing again.

So, what happens when you make the choice to BE Sovereign? You get to partake in the delightful and divine dance of life in a higher vibrational state… and:

1. BEing Sovereign results in you becoming superconscious

Your expanded conscious awareness and divine intention are keys to navigating this current situ, which is sponsored by the psychopaths and NPCs that are playing their roles in the slave code matrix. You know, the fearshow that’s happening on the outside of you that’s basically a holographic illusion.

Well, the higher your consciousness, the easier it becomes to alchemise your own shadows into light so that you can illuminate your Sovereign soul on the collective. You will also use your energy and time here on Planet Earth more effectively by serving yourself first.

Yep, this means bye bye to people pleasing!!!

2. BEing Sovereign allows you to be more reSOURCEful

As you already know, EVERYTHING Is energy and we are ALL one emanating from the same Ultimate Source-Prime Creator-Universe-God-Goddess-thingy. Thus, we are fractals of that Source here on Planet Earth experiencing itself in the 3rd Dimension. So, wouldn’t it make sense to utilize that Source energy in our own bodies instead of allowing the slave code matrix to harvest it from us, which causes stress, tiredness and illness if we don’t do anything about it.

When you reconnect to the Source from whence you came, you live from your truth, honor your in-tuition and BE the soul you came here to be.


3. BEing Sovereign means your discernment will be ON POINT

The slave code matrix’s propaganda fearshow (or the lamestream and ‘social’ medias) BOMBARDS us with (mostly completely fabricated) information to intentionally overload our brainboxs with terabytes of bullshit data that doesn’t serve us. AT ALL.


Most of what goes on in your head doesn’t matter. It was programmed into you to confuse you, which keeps you in a heightened state of alarm looking out for the next fear. It distracts you from feeling your Sovereign soul. It also allows the synthetic AI in the 4th dimension to harvest your soul’s innate energy through the narcissists and psychopaths in the 3D who feed off our power until we think we don’t have any.

Without discernment, it’s really difficult to spot this fuckery.

With discernment, you can smell it before you see it.

Just as Dostoevsky said in The Brothers Kazamarov (yes, I’m well read): “A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lies comes to a point where he does not discern any truth… either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others.”

This means your head beLIEves what it is constantly (and repetitively) fed through ‘The Noise’ form the outside… which NEVER stops.

Your heart, on the other hand, already KNOW the TRUTH. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… doesn’t that FEEL better?

BEing Sovereign will see you EVOLving into a discerning warrior soul that is in control of its own narrative. And just like Neo, you’ll be dodging slave code matrix bullets like a boss.

4. BEing Sovereign means BEing-YOU-tiful

Integrating this aspect will cause your Sovereign soul’s purpose to hit you in the face just like every good bitchslap from the Universe does.

AND it will trigger TF out of your ego.

That’s OK! You can give yourself a break… your Higher Self and angelic team will still love you, LOL!

BEing-YOU-tiful will see you leading your own life from your soul’s essence. Joyfully living life with simplicity, love, grace and playful ease.

Sound simple?

Well, it is. You just have to get out of your own (programmed) way first… it’s why you came to Earth School after all.

Remember, you are the Sovereign SOULution.


Angel Quintana

Angel Quintana is the founder of Holistic Fashionista, an alchemical herbalist and mystery school teacher based in Saint Petersburg, Florida. She's incredibly passionate about the alchemical process known as The Great Work and helping others evolve "the archetypes" found in their inner world, so they can confidently answer the questions: WHO AM I and WHY AM I HERE. Learn more about Angel's work at www.theoccultchateau.com


The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.
