4| Build Around It
After defining your strengths, it’s time to make sure your business is structured to highlight and utilize every ounce of it.
You can also create systems so the business and marketing activities that play to your strengths are put on autopilot as much as possible.
5| Sell It
A product or service sitting on the shelf won’t do you any good, and you can’t really call your business “efficient and effective” if it’s not making money! That means you have to get comfortable with SELLING. For most coaches, consultants and service professionals, that means having sales conversations with potential clients.
You can take all the world’s sales trainings and have a dozen “scripts” collecting dust on your hard drive, but if you don’t have the right mindset behind your conversation, your results are going to be patchy as best.
Having the right mindset means you are empowered in your conversation, and you have healthy boundaries around money so you are not undercharging, over-delivering, constantly discounting or (god forbid!) giving services away for free.
All clients have their money stories, but ultimately, it’s OUR own money stories and projection that are holding us back. Imagine you can state the price of your high-end package with no charge, just like you are saying “give me 10 carrots so I can make you a stew!”
The confidence and ease you have in stating your price is proportional to how well you can sell.
6| Chuck It
As in, your weakness. Stop beating yourself up for “not measuring up” in those areas. Stop fearing that you are “not good enough” because you are not “well-rounded”. Stop feeling you have to do everything everyone tells you, and excel in every single one.
Stop spending time, energy and money to make your weakness “better.” It will be mediocre at best and mediocre is not where the big bucks lie. If something is not your natural strength, you can outsource it. You can find a partner with complimentary talents. You can structure your business so you spend minimal time in those areas.
But it doesn’t mean you look the other way. Knowing your challenges can help you set up systems and routine to mitigate those weak points.